Chapter 3: The Giant in The Forest

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(n/n) = nickname

3d person POV:

Meliodas, Elizabeth, and Hawks walked through the thick fog in the forest of white dreams, (y/n) flying up over head just a little bit. Hawks huffed and looked up at (y/n). he had been complaining the whole way through about how she got to fly and he didn't but when (y/n) offered to walk instead Meliodas just hit him on the head and told him to shut up.

(y/n) sighed and floated down beside Meliodas, her body hovering over the ground. "I think this would go faster if I flew up head more to get a better look, I'll send you a signal if I find anything okay Meli?" (y/n) asked. Meliodas looked at her as his heart(s) started to race. "okay! just be safe okay (n/n)?" he replied. (y/n) nodded and took off in the sky, slowly falling out of view. the short blonde sighed and put his hands behind his head. Meliodas knew (y/n) could protect herself but it still made him nervous to be so far apart from her after 10 long years.

meanwhile a certain princess was having a debate with herself in her head. 'I don't like lady (y/n). I just met her!' Elizabeth thought to herself. her hands we on her heart as she looked to where the (h/c)ette just was. she shook her head and sighed, still being in denial. 'she's even more beautiful then how father described her WHAT NO ELIZABETH SNAP OUT OF IT! IT'S WRONG FOR A GIRL TO LIKE ANOTHER GIRL... isn't it?' she thought.

(y/n) flew over the dark forest with one of her hands covering her eyes. she looked down over the forest and sighed. "where are you Diane?" the girl mumbled to herself. out of the corner of her eye she saw a clearing in the woods, with a familiar giant sleeping there. (y/n's) eyes instantly widened and a smile formed on her face. she turned her body and raced as fast as she could down to where Diane was. she gracefully hovered by the giant and giggled. 'if I wake her up I die....yep not gonna take that chance I choose life' she thought to herself.

suddenly a group of hide-n-seeks came running through the woods screaming "lady Diane! lady Diane! we brought a group of holy knights in!" while Meliodas, Hawks, and Elizabeth trailed behind.

Diane sat up and glared at the group besides (y/n). "holy knights huh?" she said in a dark tone. Diane grabbed Meliodas and glared daggers at him while bringing him up to her face. if looks could kill he would be dead. "what are you doing here you stupid holy knight?" she asked Meliodas. "put sir Meliodas down!" Elizabeth yelled at the giant. Diane looked at the princess with a confused glance. "sir Meliodas..?" she asked more to herself then anyone else. Diane looked back at Meliodas and brought him back to her face to get a better look. "hey Diane what's it been like 10 years?" Meliodas asked coolly. Diane examined him more until she finally realized who he was and smiled. "oh hey captain!" she said giving him a huge smile, as he returned an awkward one back.

(y/n) chuckled and flew beside Meliodas giving him a smile then looking at Diane. "hey Diane! I've missed you!" (y/n) said smiling at the giant. Diane's eyes widened and she started to blush. after a moment Diane's smile got even bigger and she threw Meliodas to the ground and grabbed (y/n), bringing the smaller girl up to her cheek as she jumped up and down from excitement. Diane started to chant her name, ignoring the glare she felt from her captain as he brushed the dirt off of him. "(y/n)! (y/n)! (y/n)! it's really you! I've missed you soooooooo much!" she said.

(y/n) giggled and hugged Diane to the best of her ability. At her sudden action Diane's blush grew. "Your lady Diane correct?" Elizabeth said gaining the attention of the giant and her crush. Diane looked down at Elizabeth and glared at her. She looked back at (y/n) with a 'who tf is that?' look. "Who is that (y/n) and who is she to you?" Diane asked the girl with the same glare directed at her. "That's princess Elizabeth of Liones. She's a friend of mine that I met the other day and she wants to get the sins back together, why Diane?" (Y/n) asked with a clueless look on her face and her head tilted.

Diane took a moment to process until her face flooded red with embarrassment. "Agh I'm sorry (y/n)! Guess I jumped to a conclusion" she said while putting her hair to her face. (Y/n) frowned at the giant and carefully got out of her grip. She opened her wings and floated right in front of the giant. Diane looked at her as her face got even more redder. (Y/n) put a hand to Diane forehead and smiled. "Diane are you feeling alright? Your face is red" (y/n) asked. Diane's eyes widened and she shook her head aggressively. "yep! yep! I'm feeling amazing (y/n)!" Diane reassured the girl. (y/n) nodded and floated down towards Meliodas. Diane was about to say something until a crow cut her off. everyone looked at the bird with a confused look.

"huh?" Diane said. "I was sure there were no more animals here" she said again. suddenly lightning came down and wrapped itself around the group like chains. "what's this?" Elizabeth asked. footsteps were heard causing everyone to look towards the sound. a man with bubblegum pink hair and armor came out of the woods with a small smirk.

"we meet again Seven Deadly Sins and the fallen angel"

Sin Secret!: 

Elizabeth was also glaring at Diane, just like Meliodas!

another chapter done! thank you all so much for all the love on this book already! I didn't expect this much attention in such a short amount of time! thank you again!

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