Chapter 4: Fight with a holy knight

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3d person POV:

everyone was looking at the bubblegum haired male who was now in front of them

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everyone was looking at the bubblegum haired male who was now in front of them. "wait a minute, Gilthunder is that you?" Elizabeth asked. Meliodas took a moment to look at the man closer until he gasped. "little Gil? is that you?" the dragon sin of wrath said with a small smile directed at the man. "little Gil?" Elizabeth asked. Meliodas looked at her and smiled. "yeah little Gil! he and I would train together when I was at the castle" Meliodas said. Gilthunder looked at Meliodas with a strong glare, Meliodas just smiled in return. "Gil, you're here to avenge your father is that right?" Gilthunder looked over and saw that (y/n) had said that to him. a small blush crept up on the male's face as he looked at the girl "y-yes that's lady (y/n). I shall kill the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins to avenge him for they are the ones who killed him" Gilthunder said while mentally cursing himself for stuttering. (Y/n) sighed and looked at him dead in the eye while she spoke, "doesn't that mean that you have to kill me as well, sense I was also framed for the killing of your father?" she asked. Gil's eyes widened and he started to panic. "no! I'm only here to kill the sins!" he exclaimed. Elizabeth had enough of what was happening and stood in between Gil and the others. "I won't let you hurt them!" he said with her arms spread out basically T-posing. "lady Elizabeth move" Gil said as he pulled out his sword. "no! they are innocent I swear!" she yelled at the man in front of her. Gilthunder sighed and kicked Hawks behind him causing the pig to go rolling down a hill. "Hawks!" Elizabeth cried as she ran to go find him and make sure he wasn't hurt.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened and she quickly got out of her lighting restraints, her mind yelling at her to go find the young princess. (Y/n) looked at Meliodas and nodded, which he did to her as well. (Y/n) gave Gil a quick glare before she took off running after Elizabeth and Hawks.

(Y/n)'s POV:

I sighed as I ran through the woods looking for Elizabeth, my thoughts flooding my mind. 'what if she gets hurt? will she get mad at me? oh god I hope not' I thought. "where is she?" I said under my breath. those lighting restraints burned my back a little bit so I can't fly for another 20-30 minutes sadly.

after a good 3 minutes of running I found Elizabeth trying and failing to help Hawks get out of his restraints. I sighed and walked up to the pair. "need some help?" I asked now standing over two. Elizabeth looked at me and smiled. "oh thank goodness your here lady (y/n)! I can't get this lightning off of Hawks" Elizabeth said with a worried smile. I sighed again and nodded slowly. I put one hand on the pig and used my other hand to snap, causing the lighting to become no more! Elizabeth gasped in awe and clapped her hands. I silently smirked at her excitement and amazement at my simple party trick. "that was amazing lady (y/n)!" Elizabeth said. I gave her a closed eyed smile and thanked her. Hawks thanked me but complained about how his back hurt. "let's go find the others. I'm sure we just need to explain to Gilthunder about what happened and then he will stop this and help us" Elizabeth said while standing up. she wiped off some dirt from her skit and looked at me with a determined spark in her eye. I sighed and shook my head signaling that I said no. "I'm sorry your highness but I can't let you go back there without getting some kind of signal that it's safe" I said. I could hear Elizabeth stop walking and freeze. "but I want to help! there must be something we can do!" she exclaimed.

"don't let her get hurt again (y/n)"

I shook my head and closed my eyes as tight as I could, drowning out Elizabeth's and Hawks conversation. why just why was she here and why was she listening to us? "I won't" I accidently said out loud, luckily for me they didn't hear me though. Hawks finally turned to me and asked, "why kind of signal are we waiting for?" I looked at him and put a finger on my chin. "well I guess-" I got cut off by the sound of screaming and a feeling of Gil's aura leaving. "I signal like that I guess, now come on let's go find the others" I said. the two nodded and I grabbed Elizabeth's arm, dragging her to the others.

after another 3 minutes of running we finally found the others. I stopped running along with Elizabeth and Hawks and looked around confused. "where did Gil go?" I asked Meliodas, then I noticed he had a giant wound on his shoulder. "and what the hell happened to your shoulder?!" I screamed. Meliodas just laughed and hugged me. "don't worry (n/n) everything's fine, just a small fight nothing more" he said while nudging his head deeper into my chest. I sighed and moved him off of me. "okay fine, just let me heal you when we get back to the Boar Hat okay?" I asked. he looked at me and nodded. I hummed in satisfaction and started to walk back to the tavern with Elizabeth, though I failed to notice Diane's glare at Meliodas and her white knuckles along with Elizabeth small glare as well.

what a dumb move.

Sin Secret!:

when (y/n) ran after Elizabeth Meliodas and Diane both had the same thought on their mind:

'would you do that for me?'

hello everybody! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. we don't really get to see what Elizabeth and Hawks do when they run off in this scene so this is what I always imagined happened to the two. have a good night/morning/day!

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