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A cellphone pinged softly, notifying the owner that a message had come in.

I've got miles of regrets and confusing friends,

Yeonhee picked up the phone and quietly read the text message, the cellphone's glowing screen illuminating her dejected expression. Multiple messages, but all of them were almost the exact same thing.

'Sorry, I forgot. :( I'm busy, maybe next time?'

A single quiet tear slipped down her cheek and glittered for a moment as it hung at her chin. Then it dripped off and plopped on the screen, the droplet magnifying the word "forgot". Forgot.

It was a recurring pattern by now. They just conveniently "forgot" to let her in on any of their plans, always saying "maybe next time" but there never was a next time. Then when Yeonhee herself decided to initiate a meetup, her friends just "forgot", and were too busy to make any time to meet up with her. Next time, they always said. Next time. But next time never came.

But perhaps it's just my stupid head in the end

Maybe it was Yeonhee's own fault.

Maybe she shouldn't have sent that message, asking if anyone was free to come watch the fireworks with her for tonight.

They probably thought she was being desperate. Maybe she was being stupid for thinking that her friends would want to spend time with her when they had better things to do.

Maybe she was being too annoying, too clingy, too naggy, too stupid, too boring, too weird, too embarrassing, too everything, too nothing.

Maybe she just wasn't exciting enough, not cool enough, not pretty enough, not enough fun for her friends.

A choked sob escaped Yeonhee's lips, but she bit it back. 

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