Chapter Twenty-One: Artemis' Gift

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The words slip out of Artemis' mouth before he considers the consequences; "Wren, you... did you show up to wish me a happy birthday?"

Wren shrugs, putting his gaze on anything other than Artemis. "A human celebration I don't comprehend, celebrating your birth. But you spoke of it before. As I slept."

"Ah, right." Artemis shuffles his feet. "But how did Maggie ruin it?"

"She is going to make it seem like I had to be reminded, but I remembered your birthday on my own," Wren declares, crossing his arms like a petulant child.

The sight encourages a bubbling sensation in Artemis' chest that releases as a choked laugh. Then he can't hold it in. His sides ache from the unfamiliar guttural laughter that scratches his throat and makes his eyes water until he battles to breathe. Wren watches incredulously. He steps closer when Artemis bends over from his laughter, practically dropping to his knees.

"Do you laugh because you don't believe me?" Wren asks, encouraging Artemis to laugh more.

He shakes his head, seeking to compose himself. "N-No, that's... tha-that's not it!"

"Then what makes you laugh until you're on the brink of death? Is this another mortal celebration I don't understand?"

Artemis drops to rock on the balls of his feet, concealing his joyous expression by hiding his face behind trembling hands. Wren mustn't like that, because he's in front of Artemis in a blink. He grasps Artemis' hands to pluck them away, allowing Wren to observe Artemis' bright smile. Wren's expression softens, eyes glistening over to glimmer like ice hanging from tree branches in deep winter.

"It was... funny that you were so serious about remembering my birthday," Artemis answers, finally able to breathe properly. Or as properly as he can, with Wren this close and his fingers resting over Artemis' accelerated pulse. He'll blame the laughter, if Wren ever asks.

"And, admittedly, I'm surprised that's why you're here," Artemis adds, shaking free of Wren's grasp. Neither of them moves to stand. Both balance themselves on the heels of their feet.

"Why?" Wren inquires, that glint remaining in his eyes. "You sought me out when you were frustrated. Is it so wrong if I do the same?"

"You're frustrated?" Artemis asks and wishes his heart would get a handle on itself. It shouldn't skip at the thought of Wren seeking him for comfort. It shouldn't escalate from their close proximity or the brief thought of kissing Wren.

Wren averts his gaze to the forest floor. His fingers dig into the dirt. The ground beneath them freezes over in a wisp of snow. A chill ripples through Artemis that's somehow not cold.

"I wanted a distraction. You always came to me to distract yourself. I assumed I could do the same."

Artemis nods. "You can, but why aren't you using that against me?"

"Using what?"

"All that you know. I revealed more to you than anyone. You could use it against me--"

"Do you want me to?" Wren interrupts, meeting Artemis' gaze. It's a stare that requests an answer and Artemis gives one, only far more blunt and honest than he planned.

"No. I want to trust you."

Wren's eyes widen to what should be considered comical proportions, but the truth of the situation sets a serious tone that neither can escape. They stare at one another, frozen on their plot of snow in the middle of a green forest. Artemis hears every breath, unsure if it's his own or Wren's. Even when Wren's eyes fall half mast, losing their sense of shock to be replaced by an emotion that leaves Artemis' throat parched, neither says a word.

A bird flutters overhead, singing a soft song that breaks the enchantment. Artemis rises, stepping away from the snow to track it through the grass. He breathes deep, taking in the heat of the forest.

"Do you know other mortal customs for birthdays?" Artemis asks, wishing to divert from the previous topic.

Trusting anyone is asking for trouble. Trusting a fae is asking for death. He was a fool to say that aloud, to admit a truth he wanted to avoid. Now Wren knows more than anyone and he knows Artemis' childish desire to continue holding Wren close.

"No," the prince replies.

"We usually have cake and sing a song, then the person who is celebrating their birthday receives gifts from friends and family."

"Gifts? Like the treats Maggie brought?"

Artemis almost forgot about them! He'll go back to grab them later.

"Yeah, like that." Artemis looks towards Wren, discovering him standing as well. His hands rest in his pockets, gaze fixated on Artemis.

"Do gifts have to be objects?" Wren inquires, advancing towards Artemis until he's mere inches from him.

"No, I guess not?"

Artemis freezes when Wren slips his fingers into the belt loops of Artemis' pants. Breath catches in his throat. Heat simmers in his gut, coursing through his veins until they warn to burn. More so when Wren steps closer to share their breaths. Artemis' eye almost flutters closed. Wren tugs him roughly forward. Their chests press firmly together, hips too.

"Shall we pick up from earlier when I got on my knees for you?" Wren whispers against Artemis' parted lips.

Yes, yes, his mind screams until it's all he hears. But when Wren's hands pull at Artemis' belt, darkness creeps in. A house on the hill. The scent of cigar smoke. Burning liquor. The expression of Mr. Vassere's face; disgust and hatred in his voice. Artemis' mind reels insult after insult. How could he still want this after all the wrong it has done?

He pushes away, turning his back to Wren because he isn't sure he can face whatever expression he's making. Is he disappointed? Upset? Angry? Or did he expect it?

"I don't... I don't want anything like that," Artemis says, somehow lying and telling the truth at once.

"Then what do you want?" Wren asks. Artemis swings to face him, wide-eyed and oddly relieved that Wren didn't react to his quick dismissal.

"Ask for a gift and I will give it," Wren adds.

Should it shock Artemis that Wren didn't react? After all, he knows Artemis' deepest secrets. One he thought he'd take to the grave. Could Wren be understanding? Or is Artemis thinking too much yet again, assuming Wren is caring rather than simply horny? Who knows. Maybe it's a kind of game for fae, to see if they can get a distrusting human to lie with them.

"Is there a catch to the gift?" Artemis asks. "I ask for gold and you give it, but you make it so I'll never earn more gold ever again?"

"Done that before. Was certainly entertaining to watch his life fall apart. He begged near the end." Wren smirks, an evil glint to his eyes. "But you need not worry. There will be no trickery."

That isn't very convincing. Regardless, an immediate answer comes to Artemis' mind; "Release my mother from your spell."

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

Wren, trying so hard to get Artemis' pants off. His mind's always in the gutter!! But it's totally sweet he wanted Artemis to know he remembered his birthday without Maggie's help. What a secretive cutie <3 But how will Wren react to Artemis' request?

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