Chapter Forty-One: The Job

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While Wren uses his fae mind tricks on the guard watching Maggie, Artemis observes his new accommodations. He's surprised to be in a rather luxurious room. No doubt smaller than the kings or that of royal guests, but much bigger than Artemis' back home. The bed's big enough for two. There's a fireplace with two chairs and a small attached balcony. When he shuts the balcony doors, the bedroom doors swing open. Maggie enters while a scowling Wren waits outside. His eyes state that he'd happily chuck her out the window if he could get away with it.

"Why do you think they suddenly put us in separate rooms? Were they hoping to separate us?" Maggie asks after the door is shut and she's at Artemis' side. Her eyes glance suspiciously at the door. "But if that were the case, they would have found an excuse for me to remain in my room rather than visit."

Artemis wishes to spare Maggie the headache of trying to decipher this puzzle since the only reason they aren't sharing a room is because a jealous fae stands in the hall.

Maggie throws her hands up in defeat. "I can't figure out anything that's happening. It's all too weird."

"Couldn't agree more." Artemis peeks at the door, wondering what Wren's doing outside. Pouting, probably. Concocting another plan to get back at Maggie without getting caught... definitely.

"We were told we could explore, so why don't we do that?" Artemis suggests. While he's interested in the castle, he's more concerned about staying by Wren's side. If he's in a good mood, he's less likely to wreak havoc because of something miniscule.

"Oh, right. Let's do that! We'll never--" There's a sudden knock at the door.

When the door opens, Samuel, the butler from earlier, stands on the other side. He offers a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"His Royal Majesty has finished earlier than expected. If you'd follow me." Samuel steps aside, gesturing for Artemis to follow. Maggie steps forward as well, but Samuel holds out his hand. "My apologies. The king was very specific that I bring only Artemis. You are welcome to wait here, Miss Maggie. Dinner will be brought up shortly."

Did he mention dinner to make the situation seem more normal than it actually is? As if the thought of food will make them forget what's happening. It certainly doesn't. Maggie's solemn eyes drift between Samuel and Artemis. She looks ready to argue, so does Wren, but Artemis does his best to reassure them, "It's okay. I'll be back soon."

Wren's eyes narrow to challenge that.

"Please, come with me. We mustn't keep the king waiting," Samuel insists and heads down the hall.

Artemis looks over his shoulder. Maggie remains in the open doorway, her forehead wrinkled in concern. Wren follows, but Artemis doubts he'll be allowed into the audience chamber. He takes a few steps back to whisper, "If you aren't allowed in there with me, head back to the room and keep an eye on Maggie.

Wren twists his nose in exaggerated disgust. "No."

"I'll be fine. I doubt the king has brought me this far to kill me on the spot."

"Which means it's unlikely he'll harm Maggie."

"But he may send someone to speak to her or you can snoop around for more answers."

Wren has the look that he wants to argue but can't because he knows Artemis' suggestion is a good one. If anyone can search the castle undetected, it's Wren.

Grumbling, the pouting prince reluctantly agrees, but then sets a condition, "If you sense danger, call out to me. I will hear you."

Artemis nods. If he didn't, Wren would have put up more of a fight, which they can't afford to do. Especially now that Artemis stands in front of a set of double doors that Samuel knocks on and calls, "Your Majesty, I've brought Mr. Redbrook."

Artemis swallows hard when a rough voice replies from behind the door, "Send him in."

"You may go," Samuel orders Wren. "This is a private discussion."

Wren gives Artemis a final expression of discomfort. He hates this situation as much as Artemis does. Artemis wishes he could leave. He'd rather be with Wren in the woods, walking through the trees on a warm afternoon, taking naps in the cool grass or laying lazily in bed. Unfortunately, that'll have to wait until later... if there is a later.

Once Wren leaves, Samuel pushes open the door. His head remains bowed, as if it's wrong to look upon the king within. Artemis takes a tentative step inside. He barely refrains from jumping when the doors slam shut and lock behind him. Across the room, there's more than the king. A woman is there too, her silhouette darkened from the light filtering in through the windows behind her.

"Artemis Redbrook," King Renier says while seated at a round table. The room isn't as large or ostacious as Artemis suspected, making him believe this isn't the king's office or usual meeting spot.

"Come. Sit," Renier orders.

Artemis isn't foolish enough to disagree. He approaches, finally getting a look at the both of them. Renier isn't what he expected. He thought he'd be a king drunk on wine and gold, run down by heavy jewels and liquor. Instead, he appears a fairly normal man with short black hair and a beard peppered gray. Though normal in appearance, his voice carries, laced with authority taught to him from birth. Renier isn't what shocks Artemis the most though.

The woman across from Renier; she's fae. Beautiful as a starry night draped in a dark sheer dress. Her long hair dances in curls over her thin shoulders and ruby red lips twist into a smile. She's the type of woman who could lead any to their demise by a mere look or a quiet whisper. The power of fae often leaves Artemis questioning the fairness of the world because surely they're against the rules.

"Don't be frightened," the woman insists, gesturing towards the empty seat at the table. "We're here to have a conversation."

One that Artemis will hate. Just like he hates being here, surrounded by two people who could kill him so easily.

Artemis takes a seat, gaze drifting from one to the other. He wishes the guards would have at least returned his iron dagger. He feels naked without it, vulnerable to the fae, who no doubt knows it.

"You must be wondering why I sent for you," Renier says in a monotone voice that mirrors his expression.

"I am," Artemis replies.

"To start, I have long heard tales of boy from the north capable of traveling the Grim Woods. Travelers love to gossip and that gossip is often exaggerated or entirely wrong. I doubted your abilities, as did Queen Ignit here."

Artemis had no idea there was a queen. Queen to who? The High King?

"Which is why I had to see you in person, alongside His Majesty," Ignit says. She moves quickly, grasping Artemis' chin to bring close. He's trapped in her eyes, black as night and sinking. He feels as if he's drifting in nothing until she releases.

"It's certainly true. You were given a great gift by a fae. I'm curious what all you gave up in return. Surely not just your eye?" Ignit remarks, her smile almost looking like a snarl, like she's envious or frustrated.

"I offered my eye. That is all," Artemis replies, but they won't leave him be.

"You gave your eye in exchange for the ability to travel the Grim Woods? You're immune to the spell to lose your way?" Renier inquires.

Artemis nods. A lie, but they won't know better and it's technically not too far from the truth.

Renier looks at Ignit as if expecting her to see through Artemis. If she does, she makes no mention of it. Leaning back, the queen smiles bright and says, "He's perfect."

"Perfect for what?" Artemis asks.

"A very special job."

Artemis looks between the two, waiting for one to explain the job. Renier is the one to say the most ludicrous thing Artemis has ever heard; "Your job is to slay the High King of Grim."

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

Happy New Year!! And what a way to start it out with our. boys. Queen Ignit and King Renier want Artemis to slay the High King, but how? Why ask him?

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