Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Crow & Flames

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Artemis almost hates that Wren doesn't follow, then he's grateful, then upset again. The conflict always hits hardest when they separate. Away from those intoxicating gray eyes, Artemis can actually think and the thoughts are rarely ever good.

All the flirting, won't it end soon? What's the point of getting so attached to one who will outlive him by thousands of years? Unless he's willing to be put under a spell that he has no idea how it will affect him.

There's also the chance that Wren is playing. Fae deceive and they're the best at it. Artemis could be a fool falling for an elaborate trick created by one bored after countless years locked away. Or Wren can be honestly interested and Artemis will regret having pushed him away. Neither choice is easy to make.

Consuming thoughts follow Artemis all the way back to Eidenswill where he has no new catch for the day. It isn't much of a worry since he has enough stock to last a few bad days without a new kill, although the meat's taste will suffer. The fresher, the better.

When he reaches the shop, he hesitates. The door is unlocked.

Stepping inside, he carefully inspects his wares for missing stock. Everything is in perfect condition. Nothing has been stolen or tampered with, so he inspects the lock. It isn't broken and he definitely locked the shop up last night. He always triple checks.

Some may think nothing of it, a random mishap, but when one lives so close to the Grim Woods, they learn to suspect everything. There isn't much to do about the unlocked door when customers are heading in his direction. He steps back inside to remove his jacket and put on the usual apron, waiting for the first customer of the day.

Artemis expects a certain blonde haired, blue eyed disguise wearing fae to appear. He never does. Maybe that's a good thing, seeing as Wren is a possible suspect. Although he isn't sure how Wren could come into his shop without buying something or why he'd only unlock the door.

When the day comes to an end, Artemis closes up shop early. He tinkers with the lock, inspecting for anything loose in case he is overthinking the idea of fae shenanigans. Although old, the lock is in working condition.

"Closing up early, Artie?" Maggie asks, walking down the street towards him.

"Yeah, didn't have a lot to sell today." Artemis gets an idea. He faces Maggie. "Did you happen to see anyone stop by the shop before I came?"

Humming, Maggie rocks on the balls of her feet in a moment of thought. Then she nods. "Ah, I think so. When I was helping Mina out of the shop, there was a tall man at the door. Looked like he was peeking in the windows and realized you weren't open yet so he left. Why? Were you meant to meet him?"

Artemis didn't think about that. He conjures up a swift lie to share, "Uh, yeah. He stopped yesterday requesting some pelts, but I forgot to mention I don't open until the afternoon. Hopefully he stops again tomorrow."

"I'm sure he will. Pelts cost a pretty penny! If you want, I could let him in for you so you don't have to take a day from the woods?"

"Thanks for the offer, but I should be here to speak with him in person." Which wasn't a lie. It's possible the tall man is the one who opened the lock. He may have only been a customer who jiggled the door and the lock opened. Most likely, there's more to it than that.

"I'll walk you home," Artemis offers, more fearful than usual. If the man was fae, Artemis worries why he stopped at the shop and if he's still lurking in town.

"So chivalrous," Maggie teases. A relief to hear. Artemis worried she'd say no.

She reaches into her covered basket that she always takes home, offering Artemis a leftover doughnut from the day. Maggie giggles after Artemis takes a hefty bite.

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