Chapter Thirty-Five: Our Own Way

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Artemis has a problem. That problem starts with a W and ends with N. The problem isn't inherently bad. In fact, it's kind of amazing. In a somewhat frightful way, which also isn't inherently bad. And it's why it's a problem.

Wren wants Maggie to know that we're together? Artemis wonders, so out of it that he almost cuts his thumb off while preparing a package for a customer. The customer stares in horror at the blade that nearly chopped off an appendage before their very eyes. Smiling sheepishly, Artemis apologizes for the blunder, finishes up, and sends them on their way.

See? A problem. He's too wrapped up in that... that outburst? Confession? Frustration? He doesn't even know if he should be concerned, happy, upset, or all of the above. His heart knows what it wants though; to run after Wren and promise to tell the world that they're together. But, oh, the mere thought makes Artemis weak in the knees, and a little nauseous. He has never been fond of cheese--in the metaphorical sense. Real cheese is great.

If the two talk and the talk goes well, then they would be together... as in dating. Officially. Boyfriends.

"A boyfriend," Artemis whispers, biting back a smile only to fail miserably. His cheeks ache from the unfamiliar sensation of the impish grin.

Of course, his excitement has always been the type to be short-lived. By nightfall, when he's on his way home, he asks himself; can we really be together?

A fae prince and a mortal having feelings for one another is asking for trouble. One could never reveal the other less they risk an unpleasant end. No villager would accept Wren. They'd kill him if given the opportunity or banish Artemis entirely for being bewitched. And Artemis can only imagine what fae would do to him should they learn of Wren's involvement with him.

Then there's Wren's immortality. Artemis will age. To avoid that, Wren would either have to put him under a spell or he'd have to drink the sap from Thorn Hill, like Wren's mother. It'd turn Artemis fae, but would he be the same? Unlikely. Would Wren still like who Artemis became? Who knew.

Last, there's Wren's clear jealousy and territorial issues. Grumbling about Maggie although Artemis has no interest towards women. Being upset about Dovin, accusing Artemis of repeating it even when he knows damn well what Artemis was going through at the time. What kind of relationship would they have? Drama filled, most likely. Wren is the definition of drama. But Artemis wouldn't have him any other way. that the answer?

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

A series of taps against Artemis' shutters awaken him. No doubt it's Wren. The sudden chill in the room is sign enough. Not to mention no one else would be here so late. Still, Artemis opens only a smidge to check. The prince stands at his window holding a pebble in his grasp.

"Wouldst thou be so kind as to welcome me in?" Wren requests.

"Depends. What took you so long?" It had been three days. Artemis thought Wren would return immediately.

"Ah, do I hear a bit of annoyance in your voice?" Wren leans up, but cannot breach the window. "Did you miss me?"

Yes, but Artemis isn't admitting that out loud.

"I brought the promised pebble," Wren adds, waving it as if Artemis hadn't already seen it.

Rather than press the matter, Artemis invites Wren in. He hops inside, placing the pebble where it once was. Artemis doesn't want to beat around the bush, not when Wren is better at avoiding the truth than he is. He jumps straight to the point.

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