Chapter Forty-Eight: The High King's Wrath

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Wren hurries to meet his annoying siblings before they realize there are humans around. At least the plants will cover up their scents a bit, although Cypress is still a threat. He's weird and can hear plants speaking to him, which Wren should understand seeing as the wind talks to him, but he still thinks Cypress is an abomination.

Aurelia, Solana, and Cypress wait in a lounge on the first floor where a few goblins cower in front of them. Others scurry about in a desperate attempt to grab whatever Wren's siblings asked of them. He passes one goblin missing an ear with blisters already sprouting on his head. He grumbles under his breath, bows to Wren, the keeps walking. He probably looked at Solana funny or she was throwing a fit and hurt whatever was closest to her.

"There he is, the man of the hour," Solana laughs when Wren enters the room. She plops on the couch next to Cypress. "Congratulations on getting us exactly what we wanted."

Wren scowls. "If you're here to poke fun, I suggest you take your leave or I will make you."

He's already preparing to do so. Solana and Cypress won't be a problem. They're weaker in Wren's domain and certainly two he can handle. Aurelia, however, could stand up to all three of them and probably walk away unscathed. There's a reason she is the only season who has never changed.

"You had to know we'd be visiting," Aurelia speaks. She gestures for Wren to come closer, which he wouldn't do under different circumstances. Right now, he wants them to leave at all costs, even if that means being more agreeable than usual. "Azar's death has started the war we all wanted. Queen Ignit doesn't care if she gets your head or not. She wants the High King's head, and yet, our father has merely ordered to keep watch over our borders."

"He has grown weaker," Solana spits. She curls her nose. "Firelits have killed at least 30 greenlings within the last day and we've hardly retaliated. It'll get worse."

"And you want me to take the battle to her?" Wren asks, glancing between the three. "Create that storm you spoke of and weaken the Ashen Plains."

Aurelia nods. "Exactly. Help us and we'll get rid of Ignit once and for all."

Wren hesitates even if, deep down, he knows this is their best option. Ignit isn't like the High King. She's killable by a simple iron sword Artemis carries or the power of another fae. With their abilities combined, they could do it, but then what? The High King has grown weaker. He will fall into his slumber soon. No doubt Aurelia will take over while he's away and she won't turn a blind eye to Wren. She'll discover Artemis, but they have the sword. If he has to use it on her instead, then he will. Whatever it takes to keep Artemis from this mess, to keep them together; Wren will do anything.

"Fine," he says between clenched teeth.

"Excellent." Aurelia rises to approach Wren. She rests a hand on his shoulder and whispers in his ear, "Now all you need to do is survive the High King's wrath. You've been summoned."

Solana and Cypress follow Aurelia out of the castle. Wren trudges along behind them. As much as he wishes to speak to Artemis and promise everything will be okay, he can't because that would be a lie. He knows whatever awaits him will be anything but okay.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

Thorn Hill has never been vacant in all Wren's long life. The great hall always burned bright and sang through all hours of day and night. But when he steps into the hall, the only light comes from the stars shimmering within. Gray light that barely illuminates the broken tables, spilled wine, and a few rotting corpses from the previous revel. The only other breathing creature in the hall is the High King himself, who sits alone on his throne.

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