Chapter 28

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"Luke, Luke. Wake up Luke" I hear someone whisper.

It looks a lot like her voice.
I thought she was here, so I opened my eyes only to be blinded by a light.

"Luke, hey it's okay open your eyes".

I did as the voice told me and I recognized Davis right away.

I was sure it was her...

"Luke you passed out and hit your head, do you remember what happened?" he asks me slowly in a gentle tone.

"Where is she? Is she alright? Tell me she is alright pl-" I start asking quickly but he cuts me off.

"Luke Luke calm down, we don't want you to pass out again, she's still in the operating room, but she's stable for now" he slowly explains.

I nod understanding, still scared.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"I'm 1.40 am"

My eyes went wide.

"You took a nice nap, didn't you?" he laughs.

"Why is she still in the operating room ... and why aren't you with her?" I ask nervously.

"Luke, Luke calm down.
She was really badly injured.
She had an abdominal bleeding and lost a lot of blood.
I had to stop the bleeding, but it was really hard to find the source. Fortunately we did.
In the meantime, they had to set her leg back.
She has a broken femur and a dislocated hip.
Her heart has stopped a couple of times, but now it seems to be working.
Right now I'm not there with her because she's a neurological case now.
She has been a super star. She's strong Luke.
I didn't think she could make it through” he explains knowing that I understand the terms since I'm also a doctor technically.
Or anyway I will be soon.

I smiled mentally.
She's always so stubburn!
At least she used it for something!

"Yeah" I laugh slightly "sounds like Charlie but .... neuro? Why neuro? W-what happened?" I ask frightened to know the answer.

"She has ... a cerebral edema Luke, they had to undergo surgery to reduce the intracranial pressure"


An edema.

I was speechless.
I wanted to say something but no words came out.

"Talk to me Luke" he says softly.

I reaming silent.


"She didn't deserve it" my voice breaks "she didn't deserve any of this" I say.

I start to cry softly as Davis hugs me and pats me on the shoulder.

"Luke ... you know what it means if sh-"

"I know" I interrupt him with a sigh "it means you don't know if she'll wake up or not" I say coldly.

"Her heart has stopped too many times ... we won't know what the effect has been on her brain until she wakes up ... if she w-"

"Thanks" I interrupted him.

"Luke, I know you're angry, but it's not your fault"

"It really is! I shouldn't have let her go to her house! I knew something was wrong! I should have gone with her instead of being the proud fucking asshole!" I cry as more tears roll down my cheeks.

Uncle Davis immediately takes me in a hug, but I couldn't focus.

I saw him get up taking a syringe.

"No no please Davis" I yell.

I didn't want to be unconscious again.
I needed to be there for her.

"It's okay Luke, it's okay. It's just a relaxer, please calm down" he says as he injects the medicine into the IV that I didn't know I was in my hand.

"Here we go, all done. It wasn't that bad, was it?" he smiled, still treating me like when I was a scared child.

He has always been so protective over me.

"Close your eyes, it'll get better later" he smiles sympatheticly as I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier.

I wanted to fight it.
But I knew it was a losing battle.
So I let the exhaustion get the best of me.

I woke up with the sunlight.
Immediately my thought was only one.

"Where is she?" I rush to ask without even knowing if there was anyone in the room with me.

"Good morning to you too" smiles Uncle Davis.

"How is she? Is she ... is she alive?"

He sighs deeply.

"She left the operating room 2 hours ago, she's in intensive care"

I let out the breath I was holding but he stops me there.

"She came out alive .... but .... Luke, she is in a coma ... I'm so sorry"


No, it can't be.

She was responsive.

It can not be.

I didn't notice that I was gripping the sheets so tightly that my knuckles turned white as tears were forming in my eyes.

"Breathe Luke, breathe" he whispers to me.

I didn't give a fuck.
I can even die if that means seeing her.

My breathing was getting faster and faster.

"Luke you need to breathe, I don't want to sedate you again"

I try to hold myself together, trying to catch my breath.

After a few minutes I manage to regain control as an idea comes to my mind.

"Can I see her?" my voice breaks in the middle of the sentence.

Uncle Davis sighs.

"Luke, I don't think you should, she's got a lot of bruises and cu-"

"I don't care. I 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃 to see her. Please." I was more than determined to get what I wanted.

He sighs ... but then he nods.

I won.

We stayed like that for some minutes but then I start to speak.

"What? Do you want me to stay on an IV?" I ask, teasing, pointing to the cannula.

He gave a small laugh as he got up to remove the needle from my hand.

Once he has done I get up and head to the ICU.

I know this hospital like the back of my hand.
In every corner I see my father smiling.
And I have to make him proud of me.

"Luke" Uncle Davis calls me and I look at him.

"She will be extremely pale, she will have bruises and cuts.
She is attached to machines that prevent her fro-"

"I know how it works" I say nodding.

Number 247.
Better prepare myself for the worst.

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞
Hey there, how things are going?
I hope you're all having beautiful days!

Let me know any questions or thoughts in the comment!

A notification!
I didn't start this story with the intent of a fan fiction.
I wanted everyone to be able to imagine whoever they wanted!
But if we want we can turn it into a fan fiction, let me know!

Love ya, stay safe♡︎

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