Chapter 18: Speed Mission

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Author Notes:
I've been told that there exists a White Blade already — Muichiro's blade. I'm sorry for the huge mistake. Its official name will be altered to "Colourless Blade" instead of "White Blade" from future chapters, although its colour will be described as 'white' still.
Please think of it like this: Nezuko's sword is a clear translucent white colour, while Muichiro's is more opaque and has a greyish shade.

* * *

The northwest town.

Nezuko didn't know the town's name, but from how civilised it seemed, the place looked larger and more populated than the town which Nezuko used to live nearby with her family.

It took her half an entire day for her to arrive here; as she walked over the bridge leading into the streets lined with low-rise traditional Japanese buildings and modern electricity poles, the sun was shining brightly in its post-noon position in the sky above her.

As Nezuko made her way through the street, she went through her mission delivered to her via her Kasugai crow in her head.

——Young girls around the age sixteen were going missing one after another over the past month or two: more than two dozen females had gone missing without a trace already.

Her mission was to look for the demon likely responsible for these disappearances... and to slay it before the damage spread farther.

The town was rather lively; many people were carrying on with their normal lifestyles and jobs in their own style. Some carried luggages from one block to another, some children were playing in the corner, some simply wandered around aimlessly, some were standing with others and gossiping, some were calling passerby's into their shops.

The unique laid-back, and yet busy atmosphere that mid-sized towns had to them... it was something Nezuko had not experienced for a long time.

However, as she observed the people around her as she walked through the streets.

Perhaps it was her imagination, but many of the people seemed low-spirited and had dark expressions to them.

"————....... so creepy."

"——another...... ———.....missing."

"—I heard..... —— who......."

Nezuko narrowed her eyes as she heard a few words that caught her attention, from three  women standing on the side of the street and whispering to one another.

She stopped on her tracks, inhaled a nervous breath, and backstepped a bit to the source of the whispers.

".....excuse me."

Wearing a friendly smile on her face, Nezuko called out to the three women.

"I apologise about overhearing your conversation... may I ask you about the disappearances you were talking about?"

The women looked back at her, then at each other.

"'re not from around here, are you?"

"What are you going to do with that information?"

Two of them asked her, appearing suspicious of the young boy who had suddenly walked up to them.

Nezuko shook her head.

"I'm... here to investigate the recent cases. Any information will be valuable."

"........huh. Are you with the police, perhaps?"

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