Chapter 10: The day you surpass us

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*Author Notes*

I love writing about training.... so much that I'm getting nowhere with the plot.... help me.....

An update after what, five months? I'm sorry for the wait, I'm alive!! I was surprised to see my 1.5k reads jumped to about 9k reads while I was away. Thanks so much for all the comments and support!

*I have added about 1k words at the end of Chapter 9. Please check it if you feel like the story jumped too fast.*

I'm planning on writing more often from now on, but I'll be doing so at my own pace. Please bare with me.

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Sabito's training with Nezuko and demon Tanjiro continued for three months.

Giyu arrived at Mt. Sagiri, and took Tanjiro with him to the Demon Slayer Corps for an examination. Urokodaki left with them, leaving Nezuko alone at Mt. Sagiri.

Nezuko is determined to cut the boulder before they return.

(This chapter may be confusing for some because of jumping times in-between scenes. Please bare with it.)

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Two months after Tanjiro left Mt. Sagiri.

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Snow was falling all around.

The cold air stung Nezuko's skin as she stood in the middle of the field, confronting the massive boulder that stood ominously in front of her.

She spotted Makomo leaning against the boulder. Having noticed Nezuko's gaze, the young girl wearing her pink kimono waved her hand back with a soft smile. Nezuko nodded back in response to Makomo's smile, then shifted her gaze towards the top of the boulder, where a figure could be seen——


Nezuko spoke in a soft manner, but her voice was low and stern.

—The young girl from five months ago... someone who repented her weakness as she swung her fists at the massive boulder, was nowhere to be seen.

From her stance, her posture, her expression... everything about her was filled with strength, confidence, and determination.

Called his name, Sabito looked back over his shoulder, revealing his face covered in the plain fox mask — the mask that hid his facial features and expression from Nezuko.

She thought about how the boy had never once took off his mask during the past five months he had been training her.

—Perhaps, when I complete my training, then......

Nezuko closed her eyes, cutting her thoughts off.

Now wasn't the time to be having leisurely thoughts like that. What she had to focus on right now, was——

She reached her right hand to her left waist, where her katana in its sheath was slung from her belt. She grabbed the weapon's hilt, then in a slow and fluid motion, pulled its blade out into the cold air.

The blade had a dark blue tint to it — it was a special blade forged from a rare metal, the only material that could take the lives of demons. The blade, which she had borrowed from Urokodaki, weighed several times heavier than an average iron-forged katana. Despite this, Nezuko steadily and lightly controlled its weight as she readied the weapon.

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