Chapter 13: Chance Meeting

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The Final Selection had begun. The participants are fighting their own battles all around the mountain surrounded by the borders of the wisteria prison.

Kogarashi Nagisa — a user of Wind Breathing — is one of such participants, trying to survive the first night. She is travelling with two boys whom she had rescued.

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A while had passed since.... sunrise was in the couple hours to come.

Nagisa continued to make her way through the dark mountain.

Chasing after the girl was the black-haired boy, Kihara Junpei. He held a katana on his right hand, while his broken left arm was fixed in place with a cloth. Tied onto the boy's back with a rope was an unconscious figure — Sugino Taishi, his fellow trainee who was yet to wake up after getting knocked out by a demon attack.

They were heading east, just like most other participants attending the Final Selection. Because where they stood was a mountain, being on its eastern or western surface changed the time of sunrise by a fair margin: an hour difference at most.

—Those who stayed in the western surface despite this fact, were either sleeping as they fought, were too uneducated to understand such a fact, or were initiatively hunting demons while alluring them with a special aroma.

They dashed through the forest —— Nagisa jumping nimbly between the branches as she scouted for enemies from above in the trees, while Junpei chased after her on the ground, carrying Taishi on his back.

—Back then, Junpei had decided to retire from the Final Selection. But descending the mountain while demons wandered about in the darkness wasn't a good idea — therefore, they were prioritising their survival for the first night until morning came.

Learning that the smell of blood attracted demons, Nagisa had suggested to tend to Junpei and Taishi's wounds, carefully wiping away all their blood in the process. This had a clear effect — the number of demons that attacked them had decreased greatly.

Nagisa paused on a branch and glanced behind her from up in the trees — Junpei's pace chasing after her was falling. The boy was panting heavily as he shouldered the weight of another person and dashed through the uneven footing of the mountain.

She leapt off the branch she had been standing on and lightly landed onto the ground. Junpei caught up to her after a few seconds: he leaned onto a tree, wheezing for oxygen — which was already quite thin in the mountain environment.

Junpei saw that Nagisa barely seemed to be tired despite jumping from tree to tree all this time.

"———you.... you sure can move....."

He could only let out between his heavy breaths.

Nagisa replied while forming a smile.

"——A user of Wind Breathing must be able to move lightly and agilely in any environment. This is nothing much compared to my master."

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