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After being with Dong-Hyun for almost one and half years Taehyung did love him a lot. After all, he was a love-deprived soul. His brother, the only person who truly loved and cared for him, was always too preoccupied with his career and obligations to give him enough time. His mother and sister never showed him the affection and love he deserved. So, when Dong-Hyun showered him with care and love, he felt alive, and now the only source of his love was lying lifeless in a hospital bed with a strange but terrible sickness, in which he was losing his blood, which blood group is rare and difficult to find in Korea, let alone in this world. 

"We can't do anything without a donor." Taehyung heard Mr. Lee Sung-ho, Dong-Hyun's father, a rich and powerful businessman, speak in a feeble and dejected tone, as his power or money could no longer bring his son's cure. 

 "But we know who can help us; please ask him to help my son; he is the only one with this sort of blood here; please save my child." Mrs. Lee was so frantic to preserve her only child that she forgot whom she was talking about, and Taehyung understood exactly who he was.  

A cold, austere, and merciless young industrialist who was as cunning as a fox and built his empire at the age of 24 with astonishing ideas, whose name was just enough to demonstrate the fear and power he wielded in the industrial sector and Korea. His selfish nature was not hidden from anyone; how could they ask such a man for help again, when he had insulted them before, didn't even blink when Mr. and Mrs. Lee were crying pathetically and begging for their son's life, he was there behind them, silently watching everything with so much anger and hatred for the man, but when the handsome CEO said those shocking words, he felt knocked out, he couldn't move. He couldn't believe his future in-laws were not less than demons. And now he was certain that they would not receive any help from the man who despised this family to the core. 

"Tae, please, I know you can help him, only you can, just go and ask him to save your love and my child, we will give you whatever you want, just please..." Mrs. Lee didn't hesitate to ask him, and even though he knew what she meant, he wanted to be certain. "What! How am I to do so? "He asked her in a trembling voice, quietly praying, that it was not what he was thinking.

"How else? By leveraging your charm and body to acquire what you want, just like you do with everyone else." In that suffocating spot, he heard a venom-dripping voice; he didn't need to glance in that way to know who this voice belonged to; he knew this voice pretty well. "Just shut your mouth, Kim Yoona." Mr. Lee hissed at her vile statements, despite the fact that he knew his wife meant the same thing, but not at this point when they want their future son-in-law to sleep with someone else. Taehyung truly didn't know what his sister's problem was with him.

"Tae, please, I beg you, you're not obligated to sleep with him. Just get him to agree to help our son and let him live; you never know, maybe he'll agree if you try, he hates us not you, right? Please do so." Taehyung knew it wouldn't work. That grim face didn't even look at Taehung once when he was there with the Lee family. He was known to be as transparent as water in hook-ups and relationships, so it was obvious that it was impossible. 

But Taehyung loved Dong-Hyun too much to give up without a fight. Dong-Hyun did so much for him, even protecting him from all kinds of harm, he was not that naive to understand those lusty and hungry gazes from those around him, even as time passed, he realized Dong-Hyun also liked his appearance more than himself as a person, but it was too late, and he was emotionally involved with him. He was resolved to help him as a way of repaying all the favors he had received, so he agreed, at least this much he could do for his love. 

And he tried everything he could to at least talk to that heartless CEO, but it was all in vain; he couldn't even reach him. He was barred from entering that huge ass company once it was discovered he was related to the Lee family. And Taehyung knew he wasn't going to get what he wanted this way, and his sister's words rang in his head like a chant. And Taehyung decided to give it his all. He gathered all of the information on his fiancée's physical condition in order to ascertain how much time he had, so he could rethink all of his plans and consider whether it was worthwhile.

After a week of waiting, Taehyung discovered a golden opportunity to put his plan into action when the handsome CEO of Jeon Corporation was alone at a fancy Bar. With his natural frigid expression, he was sipping a luxurious wine. "It's all right, Taehyung; you're doing it to save your loved one's life, thus it is not wrong; everything is fair when it comes to your family, and he is your family. Just this once. Do it and then leave. That's all there is to it; nothing more, nothing less." Taehyung took a deep breath and approached the bartender, whom he had already bribed with some decent cash, which he had taken from Mr. Lee by claiming that he had found a way to save Dong-Hyun.

He delivered the drug to the bartender who would then gave it to Jeon Jungkook, the famed CEO of Jeon Corporation, and sat there praying for his plan to succeed. He didn't have to wait long; within five minutes, he could notice a change in Jungkook's expressions and motioned the bartender to proceed to his next move. When Taehyung walked into the room, Jungkook was confined with his drugged self, his soul was weighted, and his eyes moist with frustrated tears. He was about to lose his virginity to a stranger, which he had saved for his love, and he was also about to grind his dignity and self-respect with his own feet.

Taehyung spotted Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed, looking far too composed for a drugged person. The room was dimly lit, almost dark. It was also his request; he didn't want to see his anguish in such a bright setting. Taehyung breathed deeply, it was time, he was doing it, no backing down now, and he locked the door behind him.


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