Chapter 4 - But I Don't Want To Look 'Fab'!

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I had a lot of glances thrown my way when I entered school on Monday. Some people congratulated me on my 'miraculous' win but my mind only briefly registered their words. My main aim today was to avoid that no good neighbour of mine and get through the day by being totally invisible.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I completely spaced out and didn't notice where I was headed. When I collided with someone, I snapped out of my daze. Only to find myself staring at the face of the guy I was desperately trying to hide from in the first place.

"Hey, Avery." Aaron smiled as if nothing had ever happened.

"Oh. Haven't you heard? Talking to a sophomore good girl like me could just trash your 'rep'." I spat out in anger and shoved him out of my way.

"Wait! I didn't mean it like that..." He shouted after me.

But I was already making my way to class. Agreeing to that stupid dinner was a mistake and I didn't want to hear his lame excuses.


I plonked down on my bed with a sigh. I was determined to finish all my homework today because I knew it was soon going to become overwhelming. I'd been ignoring it for quite a few days now. Working meticulously in my usual systematic order, I finished one subject after another. I was almost done, when my phone vibrated.

im sorry bout yesterday so lets start over as frnds.
wanna hangout?
P.S.: u look cute when ur studying xP

The weather outside was amazing, with soft sunlight filtering into my room. I was in no mood to close my curtains just to hide from that jerk. So I texted back, hoping he'd take the hint and stop texting. Unfortunately, this is how the text-conversation went...

No thanks.
Wouldn't want to ruin the rep of the school's badass now, would we?
P.S.: Windows are provided for air and light. NOT stalking your neighbours.

God! Wud u let it go??
I just think it wud b nice for once 2 talk 2 a girl who's not obsessed with impressing me.

Yeah. You got that right. Impressing you is so far down on my list, it might as well not be on it.

Thats y im trynna talk 2 u. if u were like ne other girl, i wdnt hav even bothered.
Aaron Miller never chases girls.

I used to measure attitude on a scale of 10. Hearing you talk, I think the new scale would be 1 to Aaron. -.-

LOL. Ur funny, u know.

And you're a pathetic flirt, you know.

Oh babe. Now ur insulting me.
My flirting skills are flawless.

DONT call me babe.
I'd like to do the insulting part some more...and your 'skills' obviously aren't so great since they make me feel like throwing up.

At least i have some skills, BABE!
Unlike u...

Whatever, biker boy.
I've got better things to do than debate with you.

Whtvr u say babe ;)


"No! There is absolutely no way I'm taking my boring old sister to Sam's party. She'd single-handedly end my social life in just a few seconds!" Shanaya half screeched at mom when she said that Shanaya could only go for a party if I tagged along.

Mom doesn't use her stern voice unless the situation is really, really bad. I didn't know what Shanaya had done to deserve that fury, but this wasn't the first time she was being grounded.

"You will take Avery with you otherwise you will not leave this house. That is final. No arguments." Mom stood up with an air of finality.

"But I don't want to–" I started to protest since I wanted no part of this, only to be interrupted by Shanaya.

"You! You're coming with me, even if that means tying you up and shoving you in a gunny bag. I'm not going to miss this year's most important party because of you."

"Well, really, it would be because of you.."
I mumbled, as Shanaya dragged me up the stairs. "You know I hate any form of social gathering where I have to wear heels with uncomfortable clothes, flash fake smiles and pretend to text on my phone all night because there's no one worth talking to."

"I know but I'm begging you to do it just this once. Please? For me?"

And, that's how great walls crumble and collapse.
"You owe me...Big time!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Now I get to dress you up and make you wear heels! When I'm done with you, you're going to look fab enough to have guys dropping dead like flies." Shanaya did a victory dance that included some not-so-pretty moves, a lot of fist pumping, and clapping like a seal on crack.

"But I don't want to look 'fab' and I definitely don't wanna be a murderer!" I shouted helplessly. Shanaya's makeover could only mean one thing for me.


Author's Note: So...this is kinda like a bonus-ish chapter :P
But I posted it in a hurry, so I'm sorry for any mistakes.

Sadly, I won't be able to update anytime soon :'(
I'm double grounded.
No laptop and no reading.
Not sure I'm gonna survive...If I don't, I'll try to keep writing new chapters from my grave, so don't worry bout that haha

Song: Beautiful - Christina Aguilera :')

~ Av ~

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