Chapter 18 [Part 2] - Prom Does Wonders For Manners

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Author’s Note: Now, before you start reading, you HAVE to check out this blog, cause I think it’s really cool and some of her posts are quite hilarious…

That’s it for now-
OH WAIT WAIT WAIT! We’ve reached 50,000 Reads (and a 1000 Votes) :O :O :O
I’ve said enough I love you’s to you all, but I wouldn’t still be writing this if it weren’t for you, so thank you once again <3

(Don’t get bored of me thanking you just yet, because there’s gonna be a lot more of that as we go ;P )

Bon appétit! (Even though it’s quite a petty chapter)

Vote, fan and comment. Even the loads of ‘PLZ UPDAATE’s that I get from ya’ll make me smile so I don’t mind =D


I opened my eyes and was a bit confused as I realized there was an arm draped across my waist.
But then I smiled as I remembered how we’d stayed up well into the morning just talking about the most random stuff and that the arm belonged to my favourite-est person in the world. Turning around, I saw him still asleep, blissfully unaware of my obsessive, stalker-like gazing.
I kissed his cheek and his eyes opened immediately.

Giving me a heart-stopping smile he whispered, “I could get used to waking up like this every day.”

I chuckled and reminded him, “We have school, Aaron. You need to go and get ready.”

I was about to get out of bed but his arm tightened around my waist.
“Can’t we just skip school and stay here? For…ever?

I gave him a huge, cheery smile.
“Of course we can! But I don’t think the lifestyle of a homeless, aimless, uneducated beggar will suit you, rich brat.”

“But at least I won’t be love-less.” He grinned cheekily at me.

I pushed his arms away from me and smirked.
“If I were you, I wouldn’t be too sure of that. No girl wants to be with a scruffy loser.”

“But you’re my girl so you won’t care. Besides, I’m hot so I can rock the scruffy loser too.” He pretended to dust off his shoulders and ran a hand through his hair.

Cue a skip of the beat done by my traitorous heart.

But the egomaniac didn’t need to know that.

I picked the clothes I wanted from my closet and walked into the bathroom to change.
“You’re just so full of yourself, aren’t you?”

 “You know you love it.” He didn’t seem to have any intentions of leaving.

“Wanna know what I’d really love? For you to get out of my house and go to yours so you can get ready for school!” I yelled from the bathroom.

“Awh. Afraid you’ll drool too much if I change here, sunshine?”

I could clearly see the teasing smirk even from behind an opaque wooden door.

“More like afraid I’ll puke too much.”

I mentally congratulated myself on my comeback, even though it was a complete and utter lie.


“Excuse me, Ms. Gradson. Can I, a humble scruffy loser, have this dance?”

I looked away from Natalie who I had been talking to, since she was one of the only people I knew at the dance, and saw Aaron holding out his hand.

“Wow. We should re-enact prom every day. It seems to do wonders for your manners.” I commented.

He twirled me around and I marveled once again at how good he was at everything, which also included some serious dance moves.

I was glad the loud, upbeat numbers were over cause my feet wouldn’t be able to take any more jumping or crazy dancing. I’d done enough of that.

“See? Aren’t you glad I didn’t wear the penguin suit or the rest of my brilliant costume ideas?” He asked as I put my arms around him.

I laughed so hard as I thought back to the ridiculous session of costume-brainstorming we’d done earlier.

“No, Aaron, for the last time. Sixteen and Eighteen year olds cannot go out in public dressed up as Tom and Jerry.”
I tried to keep as straight a face as I could but a small laugh escaped anyway.

Aaron had suddenly decided to turn into a little kid and even though it was by far the cutest thing I’d ever seen, all his suggestions resulted in me laughing like I’d ODed on nitrous oxide.

We’d been over pairs like Peter Pan and Tinker bell, various Disney princesses and their prince (where he wanted me to be the prince. I kid you not when I say he was acting like a five year old about it.), a tree and a shrub (his ingenious idea, not mine, I swear), SpongeBob and Patrick (I almost fell off the chair at that one) and a pencil and eraser.

I took a stand when it came down to stationery, deciding to finally point out to him that their senior prom was not a themed affair.
It was just like any other prom where everyone dressed up in formals and stuff.

“I know. I just like making you laugh.” He’d replied when I told him.

I’d settled on a simple, white dress while Aaron had gone with the classic black tux.

“So you’re coming to the wedding, right?”

I came out of my reverie and just stared at him blankly.

“Armaan and Riva’s wedding? You’re gonna be there, aren’tchya?”


I sort of liked ceremonies but the vows and stuff in weddings were just too tedious. Frankly, even though all other girls would glare me to death for saying this, I thought the brides wearing expensive, inconvenient wedding gowns and all those other formalities were silly and a colossal waste of time.

“Good. Cause I’m not enduring that stupidity alone.” He muttered and then added, “Don’t you dare tell either of them I said that.”

“I agree with your views, so not a word.”


Song: Can I Have This Dance - High School Musical

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