2019 Update

12.4K 277 23

It's been a while, hasn't it?

First off, I am absolutely floored by the response this book has received.
I cannot express how immensely grateful I am for each and every single person who has read and supported my writing.
For all the comments, messages, everyone who spread the word around and even just to those who gave it a passing glance..a MASSIVE THANK YOU.

13 million reads still sounds like a dream every time I think about it, and none of it would have happened without all the enthusiasm and love I've received from you.
And so..the big news that warranted this update-

I have finally decided to self publish Being The Player's Neighbour!

Truth be told, this book is no longer representative of my views or writing skill, but it was the beginning of a really great journey, so it will always hold a special place in my heart.
I think I owe it to myself to see how my first ever book does in the "outside world" —I see Wattpad as a kind of family that fosters fledgling ideas in a quaint, little bubble of caring feedback— it's time to let this story step out of that bubble, let it spread its wings, and see where it lands!

As always, let me know your thoughts, about this exciting new adventure, and also what you felt were the highlights and/or drawbacks of the story as you first read it, so that I can factor in those details as I edit this for publishing.

Thank you so much once again, and I hope you're all growing and finding happiness in the little things, just as Avery and Aaron have for the last 5 years!

Lots and lots of Love,

Being The Player's NeighbourWhere stories live. Discover now