Chapter 23 - That's Some Serious Poetic Shit

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Author's Note:
Every Wattpad writer's dream: To see their book's stats in bright red.

Massive thank you to each and every one of you, because some of the comments that I got on the last chapter just made my heart melt.
<3 :')

So without further ado, I present to you...the last chapter before the epilogue.


"No. I'm Avery's alien replica from friggin' Jupiter." I snapped, turning around to face the cause of my current heart palpitations.

And when I say "face", it's euphemism for "glare until my anger cuts through the heart".

The cause, on the other hand, was grinning.

Aaron Miller.
The jerk had the nerve to actually grin at me as he walked over to hug me.

"Don't you dare touch me, Aaron." I warned icily, taking step away from him.

His face turned pale and he nodded solemnly, all traces of playfulness gone from his eyes.
"Sorry, I should've realised." He said, shifting uncomfortably.

"Yeah. Forget the same room; I wouldn't even want to be in the same city as you. You should've realised that, but you didn't...."
The millions of memories that I'd pushed back behind walls for three years, flooded into my mind. The pain returned with such vengeance that it felt as if the floodgates to a dam of emotions had just been thrown wide open.
"I get that you had to leave, but you could have at least said good bye. Wanna know the worst part, though? I didn't just lose the boy I loved. I lost a best friend too. We used to share our life with each other and talking to you used to be the best part of my day. But you ruined everything when you left. You simply cannot waltz into my life, just to ruin it again. Go away, Aaron. I don't want you here." I almost yelled.

Now, after such a monologue, one would think the guilty party would accept their fault and apologise.
But, of course, that was too much to expect of a certain tall, dark haired, hot individual.

So not going there, Avery! I mentally yelled at myself.

"Have I mentioned how adorably sexy you look when you're mad, sunshine?'

Sunshine...he called me sunshine.
Oh my God, I've missed him so-


Every bone in my body was screaming at me -literally like Skrillex- to give in and instantly forgive him, just so I could be surrounded by his warmth again.
But the slightly more sensible side of me knew I couldn't just forget everything he'd done.

"Don't call me that. I hate you." I spat out in anger.

"You can't hate me, cause I know that you love me, candy head." He replied with a confident smirk.

That was it. The simmering fire in my heart morphed into a full blown inferno of anger and I started throwing every empty cardboard box at Aaron that I could lay my hands on.
And let me tell you, my aim is pretty good.

" piece of fungi! You're a zucchini faced artichoke, who doesn't care about anybody but himself. I don't even know how I trusted a stupid, stupid turnip like you-"

I abruptly came to a standstill though, when I heard laughter from across the storeroom.

"Are you...swearing at me?" Aaron coughed out between bouts of laughter.

"I think swearing in veggie language is so much better." I scowled and replied indignantly.

"Still the very same goody-two-shoes, I see." He commented smugly.

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