Chapter 9 - Jealousy, Ice Cream And Godzilla's Pink Tutu

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I'm walking on sunshine
I'm walking on sunshine

The super chirpy song rang in my ears and I had to force myself not to just pick up that damned alarm clock and throw it across the room.

Wait, what? My alarm didn't play songs like that!

My eyes flew open and the culprit was revealed. Shanaya was holding her iPod to my ears, with a satisfied grin on her face. She gave a wicked laugh and said, "Rise and shine, sleeping beauty."

I groaned and checked my phone to see what time it was. "Why would you do that? It's six am...on a Saturday!"

She just shrugged and spoke nonchalantly as if she had done nothing wrong. "I wasn't getting any sleep and you were the only entertainment around."

I had such weird people as family! First my mom with her ice cubes, and now my sister who wanted to make me go deaf simply out of lack of better things to do.

"TVs, computers, phones, music...everything's been created only for entertainment, you know. Why can't you stick to all that instead of giving my poor ears a heart attack early in the morning?"

"Your ears don't have a heart and also watching you annoyed is like being with the much drama!"

She flashed me an excited smile which made me even whinier. I really hate watching others happy when they are making me utterly miserable.
"Please let me go back to sleep?" I mumbled into my soft pillow.

But my early-morning protest was a lost cause anyway, because even after Shanaya left, I wasn't able to go back to sleep.
Don't you just hate it when you're trying so hard to sleep, but your mind simply won't stop thinking?
Well, I didn't like the over thinking that I did when I lay awake either, since my vacant mind would start thinking about unnecessary things. Like right now, for example, I was thinking about Aaron and the Facebook conversation. I'd been twisting and turning the thought around in my head all week and the more I thought about it, the more I felt sure that I had gotten through to him and finally seen past his 'tough badass' act. Who would have thought someone like him could be-

"Wake up, lazy bones!"

Not again. Why hadn't some genius scientist discovered soundproof food?
I could just shove that down my mom and Shanaya's throats and sleep in peace for the rest of eternity.

"I know you're awake and ignoring me isn't going to make me go away."

Damn. There goes plan B.

Wait. Last time it was ice cubes....oh crap!

I shifted positions, from 'snuggled under the covers' to 'standing on the floor', faster than a ninja and started screaming with my hands behind my head.
"I'm up! I'm up! Please don't use a blowtorch on me or anything!"

"Oh don't be so dramatic. I was just going to sing melodiously into your ears until you decided to wake up."

"Definitely loving the blowtorch idea."

My mother grinned at me and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her early morning hyper activeness.
"I'll leave you to whatever it is you sluggish teenagers do in the morning. I just came to ask if you could go and give Valencia the fresh cookies I baked today. I won't have time to give them to her myself since I have to get ready. Val and I are hanging out today. Catch a movie or something."

"You want me to give cookies to our neighbour, Valencia Miller?" I repeated, just to make sure I wasn't making up the whole thing in my head.

"Yes. And don't you dare say you are too busy because I know for a fact that all you are going to do is sit around in your pajamas and read books all day. I won't have-

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