Chapter 20 - Soapy Math And Salty Tears

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"So now that we're actually married, where do you wanna go for the honeymoon?"

Oh God. Surely he was kidding...right? He had to be.

But what if he wasn't kidding?

Crap. He's gonna hate me for this.

"I...I don't think I'm ready," I could hear the panic in my own voice. "How much do you hate me?"

He ran a hand through his hair, probably in anger or annoyance.
"Shit. I was joking! Please stop crying, Av? I could never hate you."

I allowed myself to lean into him and revel in the feeling for the last time, holding my breath for the moment when he'd realize how pathetic I was and leave.

But it never came.
He let my tears drench his shirt without a peep.

When I'd finally calmed down a little, he spoke again.
"I'll wait as long as it takes. We don't have to rush anything. So don't worry about it, alright?"

I nodded and hugged him even tighter. "I'm so sorry."

"I'm not. I love you and that's why I'm with you. It's not just physical anymore. I'm not the same sex-crazed jerk I used to be." He said blatantly.

Even though that was awkward, I smiled up at him and was beyond relieved that he was being so sweet about everything.

My smile waned a bit when a thought struck me, though.
"Wow. We're married." I murmured, feeling like the reality was setting in for the first time.
"Oh my god, Aaron, can you believe it? We're freakin' married."

"I know right? It feels it was only yesterday that you were judging me and refusing a lift home." He chuckled.

I couldn't help laughing at how much I'd hated his guts when we'd first met.
"It's all so damn random...everything's changing too fast." I added thoughtfully.

"Yeah. Everything except your Math grade. That one's remained constantly bad right from the start." He joked, sticking his tongue out at me.

I narrowed my eyes at his smirking face and hit his arm with all the force I could muster.
"Dude! Way to ruin a deep moment. And picking on my Math skills? Tsk tsk. Low blow."

"Hey! No hitting the husband. I can sue you for physical harassment."

"If you don't wanna get hurt, I suggest you don't carp my Achilles' heel." I warned him, smiling angelically

"Let's change that, shall we?" He asked, grinning at me like he'd just had a 'Eureka' moment (without the 'running-naked-through-the-streets-like-shameless-Archimedes' part, of course).


"Why in the damn world would I want to find sinθ, cosθ or any other flippin' theta for that matter?"

Aaron face planted the table and groaned in frustration.
"Why? Why did I think tutoring you was gonna be easy? You multiply and add like your brain's been replaced with a fucking cabbage."

I shrugged and raised my hands in defense.
"Sorry, prodigy. We can't all be good at everything like you. Besides, you brought this on yourself. I never asked you to do any social service for me."

"You ungrateful being." He shook his head and walked to the kitchen.
I obviously followed behind him, not knowing what else to do.

Worst. Idea. Ever.

"What the hell, Aaron?" I yelled as I felt something cold in my hair.
A moment later when I opened my eyes, there was water dripping down my face.

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