Chapter 16 - Never Too Early For Love

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It was the first emotion I registered when I woke up. There could be multiple reasons for that.
It was a Saturday, the weather was sunny and pleasant outside and I had a whole day ahead with only one aim- lazing around.

After breakfast I put on my favourite denim shorts, grabbed Sophie Kinsella’s Undomestic Goddess (I swear I never got tired of that book even though I’d read it so many times before) and lay in the garden, reading and sipping on peach iced tea.
Everything was so perfect.

Within minutes though, there was an addition to my blissful paradise.
Soft lips on mine snapped me out of Samantha Sweeting’s world in the Carter and Spink Law Firm.

“You taste like iced tea.”

I looked up to see the chocolate coloured eyes that I had come to love.

I pointed to the glass beside me and gave Aaron a flat look.
“Remind me to drink bitter avocado juice the next time. Or maybe eat sand mixed with toothpaste and glue.”

He made a disgusted face and pretended to gag.
“That’s gross! Are you sure you’re even human?”

“Yes. I am one hundred percent homosapien. I just can’t leave a chance to annoy you.”

He rolled his eyes, pulled me up on my feet and started walking towards the gate. When I sent him a questioning glance he explained, “I want to spend the day with you and there’s this place that I think you’ll like.”

“You didn’t even bother to ask me if I wanted to spend the day with you.” I teased.

He shrugged and said, “I already knew your answer.”


We were cruising along on a desolate road, a few miles away from the main city. I was busy singing to the Katy Perry song playing on the radio and dancing in my seat, when we came to a stop. I looked around and all I could see were humongous trees, growing so close together that they formed a uniform coat of green everywhere.

We got out of the car and Aaron led me to a patch where the greenery thinned out a little bit. As he parted the branches, I got a glimpse of the most picturesque sight I had ever seen. Sure, I’d seen such scenery in paintings and stuff but this was so much more amazing.

There was a small cherry blossom tree surrounded by soft grass all around with vibrant, wild flowers growing in a few spots. The sunlight engulfed the whole meadow in a warm, honey-coloured glow, making it beautiful beyond words.

“It’s...enchanting,” I whispered, “Reminds me of Edward’s meadow in Twilight.”

He chuckled and raised his hands in defence. “I’m not going to start sparkling, so no worries there.”

“It’s so far out from the city. How did you even find this place?”

“All bike races aren’t exactly legal so we have to find remote places, like that road we left behind. Once after a race, I happened to veer off the road in the dark and that’s how I ended up here.”

He sat down under the tree, pulling me onto his lap. Circling his arms around me, he spoke slowly, as if recalling memories after a long time.
“I used to come here a lot when I was younger. After I found out about my mom, I practically lived here. It’s stupid, I know, but I just couldn’t think straight. The absolute stillness here helped me do that.”

“It’s not stupid. I totally get what you mean. You feel like nothing makes sense anymore and the smallest of things are frustrating.”

He sighed and took a deep breath, hesitating about something he wanted to say.

I sort of recognised that look and spoke before I could talk myself out of it.
“I know it’s way too early and it doesn’t matter if you don’t feel the same but...I love you.”

Aaron smiled and twirled a strand of my hair.
“Nothing’s too early in love and I love you too.”

“Ooh. Better watch out. You’re becoming a bit too corny, Mr. Badass-player.” I smirked.

“The girls love corny, you see. I simply have to say ‘I love you’ and the girl’s a total goner.” He shrugged and replied with a grin.

I playfully swatted his chest.
“But what happens to the casanova when a girl tells him she loves him? Does he freak out?”

“He does, a little. But the girl is a weird specimen, one of a kind. So he doesn’t mind changing for her.”

I narrowed my eyes and asked in wonder, “Did you seriously just call me a weird specimen?”

He feigned surprise and stared at me with raised eyebrows. “Who said anything about you? We were just talking theoretically.”

“Sure we were.” I said caustically.

“Okay. We weren’t, but that’s not the point. The point is...I want you to be my girlfriend.”

“Wow! I cannot believe I actually qualified for the position of the badass player’s girlfriend.”

“So is that a yes?”

I nodded and grinned from ear to ear.

Aaron laughed and kissed my cheek.
“Well then, me qualifying for the almost unobtainable position of the sarcastic good girl’s boyfriend is harder to believe.”



Author’s Note:It’s official! ^_^

I’m not gonna blabber much this time :P

Song - Teenage Dream by Katy Perry

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