Chapter 10

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Meanwhile in the heavens....Hawks sees the titans because he was just flying around to bother someone. He even heard all of the Titans to destroy All Might.

"Oh, we're in trouble! Oh, big trouble! I gotta.." thanks to his wings, giving a faster velocity...he zooms to see All Might along with Inko. "My Lord and Lady, the Titans have escaped. And they're practically at our gates!"

"Sound the alarm! Launch an immediate counterattack! Go! Go!" Hawks did what he has to do "I'm going." He flys off to call out to prepare for the war so all the gods and goddesses gets to work...the Titans bust the gates down.

Meanwhile, the cyclops looks for Izuku while causing destruction in Thebes when all the towns people are crying for help

"Where is Izuku?"

"What can we do?"

"Where's Izuku?"

Then the old man speak up saying to the statues of Izuku "yeah, Izuku'll save us. But let's say that the Cyclops destroyed the statues and still call out his name " oh Izuku! Come out! Face me!"

Izuku saw the Cyclops destroying the town and Y/n saw that Izukuis going "what are you doing? Without your strength, you'll be killed." She reasoned but "there are worse things."

Continue, Y/n called him out to stop but Izuku didn't listen. Then the old mad saw that Izuku is here "Thank the gods, we're saved!" Cried the woman while the cyclops saw Izuku.

"So, you mighty Hercules" he hits Izuku who flies away and hits a mosaic of himself. Meanwhile Y/n heard a noises that is coming from the stables being able to find Katsuki, who is tied up.

"Easy, horsefeathers." But let's say that Katsuki struggle more "Whoa! Stop twitching, listen." She started to untie the ropes "listen, Izuku is in trouble. We gotta find Eraserhead, he's the only one who can talk some sense into him." Dine, Katsuki swooped Y/n to get on his back and fly off where Eraserhead would be.

Knowing a thunderstorm is coming, Eraserhead is going to leave Thebes and is walking to a boat while the sailor scream "come on! Hurry up! We're shovin' off here!" Grape juice is already on but then saw Y/n.

Y/n then yelled at him "Eraserhead! Izuku needs your help!"
Eraserhead saw Y/n flying in Katsuki "what does he need me for when he's got friends like you?" He yelled back at her "he won't listen to me."

"Good! He's finally learned something." Turn around but Katsuki huff at his face telling him to stop acting like a bastard. "Look, I know what I did was wrong, but this isn't about me, it's about him." Eraserhead ignore Y/n but this line trigger him "if you don't help him now,he'll die!"

Meanwhile in Olympus... "Chargebolt! I need more thunderbolts!" He called him out but Hawks flys in

"I'm sorry but Chargebolt has been captured. Everyone's been captured, yah!" Twice and Kurogiri get him " 've been captured! Hey, hey! Watch the wings." Taking him away where all the other gods and goddesses are. Pyros and Hydros make a mountain of ice and fire with All Might on top, stuck that he can't get out of the obsidian "I'm home!" Then All Might saw Shig and growl "you're behind this!?"

"Your are smart about that...You are correct, sir!" Then Shig smiled "a life of a party...this is my special day." Seeing how much All Might is still struggling to get out.

The others made it on time to save Izuku when Eraserhead called/yelled at his name "Izuku!" Then Izuku heard the voice from Eraserhead "Eraserhead?"
They got off from Katsuki and Eraserhead went to him "kid, come on. Fight back. Come on, you can take this bum, This guy's a pushover, look at him."

"You were right all along, Eraserhead. Dreams are for rookies." He looked at Y/n and Y/n rubbed her forearm and looking away that was her fault. But Eraserhead told him "no, no, no, kid, givin' up is for rookies. I came back 'cause I'm not quittin' on ya. I'm willing to go the distance, how 'bout you?"

Such a forgiving moment...the cyclops ruined it because he just grabbed Izuku "me bite off head!" He drooled but Izuku saw a flame torch and burns the Cyclops' face

"No sleep for him but Whoa" Eraserhead said but while the Cyclops is yelling, Izuku ties up his legs and Cyclops falls off a cliff. His fall make a quake, from which a pillar starts falling on Izuku.

Y/n saw that the pillar is falling for him but "Izuku! Look out!" She pushes him out from the pillar's way and Y/n is now struck by the pillar.

"Y/n! No!" He saw the pillar crushed her and Izuku raises the pillar, getting the strength back "What's happening?" Unsure how then Y/n answered "the deal you broken. He promised I wouldn't get hurt."

Izuku throw the pillar away and questioned her "Y/n... Why, why did you? didn't have to..."

"People always do crazy things... when they're in love." Admit to him Izuku cried out "Oh, Y/n. I...I..." speechless, Y/n chuckled a bit "are you... always this articulate?" The. A thunderstorm occurs.

"You, you haven't got much time. You can still stop Shig." She told him but Izuku doesn't want to leave but Eraserhead told Izuku "I'll watch over her, kid."

Izuku nod that he understood "you're gonna be all right. I promise." Then he got on Katsuki "Let's go!" Katsuki fly so fast "good luck wonder boy." Y/n whispered "I can't believe you did that Y/n." Eraserhead said "I'm sorry I accused you." He apologise but Y/n shook her head "don't apologise, it's was my fault anyway."

In Olympus all the gods and goddesses are in chains when Twice yelled at them "two, three, four, come on, everybody! I can't hear you!" All of them feel useless but All might has it worse being frozen from one side and burnt from another "I swear to you, when I get out of this..." didn't have to w chance to finish because his is finally buried under molten rock.

"Like I'm going to listen to you. I'm the one giving orders now, symbol of peace. And I think I'm gonna like it here." He relax for a moment until "don't get too comfortable, Shig!

The gods and goddesses are filled with joy that Izuku arrive
"This oughta even the odds!" He breaks the chain by which the gods and goddesses were chained... finally free.

Shig face turn to anger "we'll just don't stand there!!! GET THEM!!"

But let's say that Pyros misses them and covers Shigs in molten lava, thank goodness that didn't effect him "oh Hey! No! Get him, not me! Him! Follow the fingers! Him!" Ice storm from Hydros who was trying to hit Izuku but freezes Shig "The yutz with the horse!" He scream at them.

Izuku jump off from Katsuki and landed where All Might is, opens the stone block and releases him "YOUNG IZUKU IS HERE!!" He chuckled "thank you, my boy...Hah! Now watch your old man work!" Got his full strength out... the Titans gasp and uh-oh. This also made the Titans to leave fast.

Meanwhile with Katsuki... let's say he got his payback...chasing Twoce and Kurogiri "wait! Nice horsey! My intentions were pure! I really was attracted to you." Katsuki cring in that what Twice said so he stomp them.

"You imbecile! Guys, get your titanic rears in gears and kick some Olympian butt!" He called but Izuku catches Stratos and sucks into him Lythos, Hydros, and Pyros. He launches them into the sky where they all explode.

All Might and Izuku celebrate but Shig yelled at him, while leaving "thanks a ton, Wonderboy. But at least, I've got one swell consolation prize -- a friend of yours who's dying to see me."

Izuku gasp and whipped out her name "Y/n!" He got on Katsuki as fast as he can to get back to Y/n. Y/n is groaning in pain how the pillar crushed her body so the fates saw the reaction of Y/n and the thread of Y/n...Atropos cuts the thread of her and Y/n is dead.

Unlucky for Izuku, he didn't made it on time "Y/n?" He asked, came in closer to Y/n but Eraserhead pulled a sad frown and said to him "I'm sorry, kid. There's some things that you just cannot change." But Izuku pulled his war game face on "there is that I can."

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