Chapter 4

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"And you can't do a thing?" Then All Might chucked "I can't, Izuku, but you can." Midoryia felt glad "really? W-what? I-I'll do anything." For he will do anything to be back with his real mother and father. "Izuku, if you can prove yourself a true hero on Earth, your godhood will be restored!"

"A true hero. Great!" Midoryia smiled and till then "Uh, exactly how do you become a true hero?" All Might knew he would asked that so "all you have to do is to seek out Shota Aizawa, the trainer of heroes."

Midoryia remember the name as he repeted that last sentence "Seek out Shota Aizawa. Right. I'll..." falls off All Mights palm but All Might caught him.

"Whoa! Hold your horses! Which reminds me.." All Might smiled and he whistles then flies through an opening in the roof.

"Ha-ha! You probably don't remember Katsuki but you two go way back, son" he said as Bakugo sniffs Midoryia and did a wired bond that they did when Midoryia was a child.

"KACHHAN!" Hugging the Pegasus "he is a magnificient horse." Bakugo knows he is but "be careful of his attitude for he has a brain of a dog." Bakugo neigh at him but Midoryia hop on.

"I'll find Aizawa and become a true hero!" He promised "That's the spirit!" He smile as All Might said to his son good luck "I won't let you down!"

Then Bakugo shows off his flying skills "I will beat the odds,
I can go the distance! I will face the world, Fearless, proud and strong! I will please the gods, I can go the distance,
Till I find my hero's welcome right where I belong!"


Then as the two soon to be heroes came in an island, it felt so cold and yet so deep. "You sure this is the right place?" He asked Bakugo and Bakugo think to him 'DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M YOUR PERSONAL GPS!?!'

Midoryia and Bakugo stroll around the place then heard a laugh from three girls laughing in the trees, "come Invisible girl... show yourself"

"Pinky stop forcing her to come out of herself"

"Have a heart Uravity, let's have a pool party"

But what the girls didn't know is a purple half goat,  half human drooled and also got watch behind from the bushes. With Midoryia he thought that thegowst was stuck  "what's the matter, little guy? You stuck?"

He help the guy out but "HEY Whoa! Hey, butt out, buddy!" The faun guy scolded him but Midoryia wasn't the only one "Ahhh" that made the girls cry and gasp that they head voices.

"Wait! At least let me touch your boobies!" He cried as the girls first ran away from him but poor Pinky, the faun guy hit first "Pinky come back" he commanded but Pinky didn't listen as Pinky set herself into a tree. "Oh, these ladies will get to me soon! They can't keep their hands off me." He smirk but Invisible girl took a hard kick and landed in Midoryia.

"You!" He pionted at Midoryia "you ruin it became I was in literal heaven!" He cried but "okay but let's put that aside but can you help us? We're looking for someone called Shota Aizawa."

"Oh his my Sensei...I'll take him to him" he said so as they did Aizawa is human "Minoru Mineta, what was the meaning of this? I got a call from the girls and said you saw them playing around" Aizawa deep scolded him "BYE!!" Mineta dash out then left with Bakugo, Midoryia and Aizawa "let me guess, your here to be a hero? Well too bad I'm retiring"

Midoryia doesn't want him to retire but what he does need is sleep so "I gotta do this. Haven't you ever had a dream, something you wanted so bad you'd do anything?" Aizawa sigh because he does " kid... come inside, I want to show you something." So they did but unfortunately Bakugo can't go inside  the door so he waited outdoor while growling.


Inside, Midoryia and Aizawa talk about the history artifacts of all the hero he train all from past but became a disappointment to him so he called them 'some pro heroes'

"Yeah I had a dream once. I dreamed I was gonna train the greatest hero there ever was. So great, the gods would hang a picture of him in the stars... All across the sky, and people would say, 'That's Shota's boy.' That's right." He smiled but died out "but dreams are for rookies. A guy can only take so much disappointment."

Midoryia tried to reason with his as he told him he's different from these so called pro heroes as he shown a demonstration, outside his lifted a huge statues shield and throw it alway that almost look like UFO.

"Jeez this kid would...You know maybe if I" Aizawa snapped out "nope no! Snap out of it! I am too old to get mixed up in this stuff again." Midoryia tied to reason more to him "but if I don't become a true hero, I'll never be able to rejoin my father, All Might."

Midoryia took out his arms and fold it " your saying that All Might is your father, right?" Aizawa asked while Midoryia smiled but Aizawa laughs "All Might! The big guy. He's your daddy! Mr. Detroit Smash?"

Then he  mimic young Midoryia "read me a book, will ya.. da-da?" Then he mimics All Might "Once upon a time"

"It's the truth!" Midoryia toned but "so what! So you wanna be a hero, kid? well, whoop-de-do." Midoryia hung his head low  "I have been around the block before with blockheads just like you. Each and every one was disappointment.
Pain for which there ain't no ointment. So much for excuses, Though a kid of All Might is, Asking me to jump into the fray. My answer is two words."

Just then Hawks came in "a message from All Might" he handed the scroll as Aizawa unravel it when Hawks left.

Dear Eraserhead,

If you can't train my son to be a true hero then you can say goodbye night time and means you'll never sleep again, even if you try to take a nap... I asked President Mic to make any noises for you to wake up.

From All Might

Aizawa hate it when he can't sleep so "okay, I'll train you" Midoryia cheered as Aizawa called in Mineta to help out "I'd given up hope that someone would come along.A fella who'd ring the bell for once not the gong." Clean up while Mineta got his head stuck on a trophies and clean it up.

"The kind who wins trophies, Won't settle for low fees,
At least semi-pro fees, But no, I get the greenhorn! I've been out to pasture, pal, my ambition gone. Content to spend lazy days and to graze my lawn. But you need an advisor,
A satyr, but wiser, A good merchandiser and-- whoa! There goes my ulcer!"

Next up Mineta made his working out routine and let's say Aizawa didn't allow him " I'm down to one last hope and I hope it's you, Though, kid, you're not exactly a dream come true. I trained enough turkeys, Who never came through! You're my only last hope, So you'll have to do."

"Rule #6: When rescuing a damsel, always handle with care." Mineta said, Midoryia did save the damsel but fail as he fall onto the river. "Oh come on?" Aizawa sigh "Rule #95, kid: Concentrate! Rule" Bakugo threw the daggers to Midoryia so he can make the target but let's say he hit the target to Mineta, making him yell out "#96: Aim!"

"Demigods have faced the odds and ended up a mockery.
Don't believe in the stories that you read on all the crockery.
To be a true hero, kid, is a dying art. Like painting a masterpiece it's a work of heart.It takes more then sinew, Comes down to what's in you. You have to continue, To grow!" After the amount of failures attempts, he improve it and Midoryia became more stronger "NOW THATS MORE LIKE IT!!"

"I'm down to one last shot and my last high note, Before that blasted underworld gets my goat. My dreams are on you, kid." Midoryia have to finish an strong obstacle course that he smash, punch and save the dummy "Go make 'em come true! Climb that uphill slope! Keep pushing that envelope! You're my one last hope. And, kids, it's up to you Yeah!"

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