Chapter 3

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After telling the table about your fight with the Nevermore, being careful to leave out or change any detail that would tell them that you just teleported to this world, you sit back and quickly finish your food.

Nora: That...was...awesome! You have got to show us your plane!

Y/N: Sadly, that ain't going to be possible for some time. General Ironwood gave me the opportunity to let him take it back to Atlas so he can use it as a test bed for a new fighter plane that he is trying to build. He liked the size of it and offered, that in exchange for me letting him take to test with, that he would leave any modifications that were made by the end of it. I do have a picture of the plane with me and my friend who helped overhaul it. 

Pulling out the picture of you and Felix, you hold it out so that people can see it. 

Y/N: There she is, the Fair Lady. Mine and my friends pride and joy while I was still home.

Pyrrha: Still home? What do you mean by that?

Y/N: You know, still home. Like I'm here now, and this isn't home to me.

Pyrrha: Mm-hmm. So, is this man next to you, your friend?

Y/N: Yep. Felix Wolff, the whole reason that plane wasn't scrapped for metal to be melted down to use for the newer ones. He overhauled it and brought it to a point where it was competing with all the others. 

Pyrrha: The others? You mean the bullheads, right?

Y/N: No, we had what were essentially much more modern versions of my plane. They were being developed specifically to fight the Dem- the Grimm. 

Pyrrha looks at you skeptically, but turns her attention to her food. It seems that she knows something is up, while the others are not.

Yang: Well, seeing as Weiss is apparently not going to try anymore, we should be going. It was nice meeting you, Y/N. Lets meet up again and I can tell you all you want to know about me.

She gives you another smile before getting up and dragging Weiss with her. 

Blake: Don't be too bothered by Yang. She may act like that, but she does actually care a lot more about people and their space than it seems. Have a nice night, come along Ruby.

Ruby: Alright, see you tomorrow Y/N!

Y/N: Sure thing.

Ren: Well, we should probably be heading back as well. We have got a test to study for on Monday. 

Jaune: Darn, I forgot about that test.

Ren: All the more reason to study. Come on Nora, and it was nice meeting you Y/N.

Y/N: Nice meeting you as well.

Nora: Bye Y/N. Make sure to tell me when you get your plane back, I want to see it when it is put back together.

Y/N: Of course.

You and Pyrrha are all that's left at the table. Majority of the students are leaving the dining hall, and you eventually get up with your plate.

Y/N: Well, this isn't getting awkward or anything, so I will just be on my way then. It was nice meeting you Pyrrha.

You begin to walk away to throw the scraps away and put your plate in the return bin, when you feel Pyrrha grab your shoulder.

Y/N: Can I help you?

Pyrrha: We need to talk. Follow me once you finish up here.

You nod to her and get finished with your plate. You then follow her as she leads you up to the roof, and she stands about ten feet away from the edge of the roof.

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