Chapter 23

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Your alarm goes off and you quickly sit up, grabbing your scroll and turning it off just as Winter's door opens.

Winter: Oh, you're awake...Is everything okay?

You look over at her and she is already dressed and ready for the day.

Y/N: Yeah. Bad dream. That's all.

Winter: Must've been quite the dream. You're drenched. Feel free to take a shower before we get started today. There's a fresh toothbrush on the sink, and there is a travel bottle of shampoo and body soap in the shower, so feel free to use those. There's a comb in the cabinet beneath the sink, and there's an extra towel on the towel rack by the shower for you. Hot water is to the right, and cold is to the left.

Y/N: Thanks.

You get up and head over to the bag of spare clothes, getting a fresh set. You then head into the bathroom in Winter's room and you get take a quick shower before getting your new clothes on. Taking the old clothes from the bathroom with you, you set them beside the bag with the clean clothes and you walk over into the kitchen where you see Winter standing in front of the stove with an apron on over her dress shirt. 

Y/N: Y'know, there is a thing called "casual" clothing. It's this really incredible thing that allows you to wear something that you don't care near as much about getting dirty.

Winter: When you're in my position, you tend to not have much need for casual clothes.

Y/N: Who says? I had a superior officer in the air force who would wear sandals and beach shorts anytime he could. Man was in his late forties or something and was so high up the chain of command that nobody could really tell him he couldn't do it anyways. The one time that I can think of that someone did complain, he told them to file a formal complaint in the bin by the door. Never mind the fact that the bin by the door was the trash bin.

Winter: Well, then I suppose I just never really had an opportunity to find anything that I wanted to get that would fit the criteria of casual clothes.

Y/N: That's a shame. I'd by lying if I said you wouldn't look good in a nice sweater or turtleneck shirt. Anyways, what's for breakfast?

Winter quickly looks up at you in a bit of surprise at your statement, but then she turns her head back towards the stove.

Winter: Scrambled eggs with bacon, sausage, and an orange.

You look over at the counter top and you see a whole lot more than just an egg carton, bacon and sausage packs, and two oranges.

Y/N: Aside from the obvious amount of extra stuff that you put in the eggs, I am kind of surprised with how normal it is.

Winter: Oh? And how would you make it?

Y/N: First, get rid of the orange. Replace it with a nice ripe apple, something sweet but firm. First thing you do, is you cook up half of the bacon halfway, take the bacon out, then cut up the apple into thin slices and put them into the bacon grease that's still in the pan. It will caramelize them and they are absolutely amazing. Next, put the unfinished bacon back in and finish off the rest of the bacon as well. Next, put the eggs into the pan with the bacon grease and mix it all together, then scramble them, like you would normally do. Lastly, get a bread roll, and then you eat. Really the whole thing is better if you eat it as its cooked so then everything is hot and fresh when you eat it.

Winter: That sound immensely unhealthy.

Y/N: Hey, when it's the dead of winter and you are wanting something hot, you eat as it's cooked. Besides, nobody really cared about how healthy the food was when you just wanted something to eat.

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