Chapter 33

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  Having the day off school to rest was definitely well needed. I don’t think I could have handled the stares or the questions after the release of that horrible video. But I was glad Zayn still had some time off so we could spend the day together.

  Hearing my phone buzz alerted me of its vibration making me rush to my desk to read Zayn’s message,

  ‘I’m here. ;)

  It was only 8 AM but Zayn said it was better to go early before the rush hour hits the road after all we could either reach Bradford in two hours or in five. We definitely preferred the first choice.

  Making sure I had my things in my bag, I quickly got my keys and walked outside locking the door behind. Just as I turned around to walk down the flight of stairs, I noticed the door opposite mine was slightly open.

  My curiosity was about to take over me when I felt my legs move to the direction of Sarah’s apartment but I stopped myself just in time before I got myself in any sort of trouble. Whatever Sarah did in her life was her problem and I should stay clear of her.

  It was bad enough sharing a past that’s haunting me to this very moment because of that girl. I was done with her.

  Walking down the stairs, guilt consumed me. What if someone broke into her apartment and hurt her in anyway?

  What if it was that big scary guy that almost dropped her off the balcony the other day? What if he left her there wounded and hurt, needing medical care with no one to help her?

  I may hate her gut but I don’t wish anything bad upon her.

  Turning around, I was about to walk to her apartment when a thought crossed my mind, what if the guy who broke in her apartment was still there? He would sure hurt me as well if I went there alone.

  What should I do now?

  Remembering that Zayn was waiting for me, I decided to go tell him about what was going on. He would know what to do.

  Walking to Zayn’s car, I didn’t walk around to the passenger’s seat to get in like he expected me to but I stood in front of Zayn’s door where he looked at me with his brows furrowed at me in confusion.

  “Zayn, something’s wrong in Sarah’s apartment.” I said to him in a worried voice.

  Zayn raised his eyebrows at me in worry and confusion, “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know. The door was left open. I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “I thought you hated her. Why do you care if her door was open or not, Maggie.” Zayn asked confused making me furrow my eyebrows at him.

  “Just because I hated her doesn’t mean I want her to die or get mugged. I just want to make sure she didn’t need help. It’s not like I wanted to be best friends with her again.” I shot back angrily. I wasn’t yelling but I was frustrated. I couldn’t believe Zayn thinks I would leave the girl in a situation like this no matter what my feelings for her were.

  “Alright, alright. I’m sorry I even asked, I was just confused.” Zayn put his hands up in defense, “What do you want me to do then?”

  “I was thinking we could go check on her, just to make sure she was alright, that’s all.” I replied with my eyebrows raised anticipating his answer.

  “Okay,” Zayn sighed and got out of the car then we walked up the stairs. Me practically dragging him through those flight of stairs. The faster we get to her the better. Every wasted second could cost her life, go forbids.

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