Chapter 53

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The aroma of the café made my mouth droll. Throughout the past week, Seif and I had been coming here to go over his study notes for our exams. He's helped me so much not only to review his never ending notes, but also to actually study and make a time table throughout the week to finish all of our subjects just in time for the without stressing myself too much.

Even though we were fasting, we couldn't find a better place to study in. He refused the idea of going to wither my place or his saying it was too inappropriate and come to think about it, I felt stupid for bringing the idea up at the beginning. So we decided this café would have to do, it was our favorite spot anyway.

My head was buried in one of the many sheets spread across the table in front of me, my brows were screwed together trying to get how a small company could be considered global with just a few international rules while a multi-national had to go through many regulations on both the national side and foreign side.

"It's really simple. They make it on the web to make it a born global most likely it's a functioning site with some sort of a service so there aren't that many regulation." Seif explained for what seems to be the tenth time today.

"I'm just not convinced. Does that mean I can make an international business just because I have many followers online who would buy whatever I sell?"

"If you are offering a service or a simple product, yeah. You still have to make the legal work which isn't our concern in this subject but most likely just register it and claim your trade mark and whatnot." Seif said patiently with a simple smile on his face.

"Then why do the multinationals have such hard regulations? Why not just do it like the born global or something?" I sighed feeling too dumb.

"Because it's based with a head-quarter and production lines and management. It's not just an office running a site with a simple service or product."

"It makes no sense." I sighed spreading my arms on the table on lightly banging my head on the paper cover table making Seif chuckle.

"It's probably just the effect of fasting. We are an hour away from Iftar." He tried to make me feel better.

"Or I'm really just stupid." I pouted.

"Don't say that." He frowned looking adorable.

"Whatever, I'm done with this. I'll try again after Taraweh today. Aaroosa and Waliyha are back at Bradford anyways so I'll have a quiet house to concentrate better." I said gathering my things.

"You are eating Iftar alone again?" He asked with concern lacing his voice.

"Yeah. Mom wanted me to go to York but I had too much studying to do. Our exams are literally two days away." I said feeling my stomach churning just thinking of the exams stress.

"You want me to keep you company till Iftar? My family are coming to the restaurant down the street for a day out anyway so I don't actually have to go home." He offered with a bit of hesitation yet hope.

"No, it's okay. I'm kind of used to it now. I've spent most of Ramadan alone anyway." I shrugged feeling heavy hearted. It was true though. Aaroosa and Waliyha always had somewhere to be or someone to see over Iftar, either a family member or a friend in town. They always invited me to tag along but I just felt like I would be a burden so I always refuse. I wouldn't feel comfortable anyway.

He was about to say something but he was interrupted by his ancient like phone ringing. I bet it has snake.

He mumbled a sorry as he answered it, "Hello? Oh, hey mom.... No, I'm still at the café... I told you I'm studying with Maggie... Yes, I know where it is... Um, mom?.. Can I come a little late? Maggie is going to eat Iftar alone so I offered to keep her company till just before the Azan..... No, they are with their family and she wanted to stay back and study"

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now