Chapter 79

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"What's on your mind?" Zayn sneaked up on me at dinner. I was preoccupied with Seif's message from earlier and I couldn't shake it out of my head. I even texted him back asking for more details but he didn't reply yet, that was why I tried my best to push it to the back of my mind but apparently it wasn't working.

"Nothing." I smiled in an attempt to reassure him but he was having non of that.

  "Yeah? You seem like you were in deep thoughts?" He asked worriedly.

  "I'm just tired. It was a long day." And in deed it was, we spent the whole day going from one place to the next after we chilled a bit by the lake. But I didn't mind it. We were on a vacation.

  "Do you want us to go back to the house? I had a theatre booked for later but if you are tired we can just head home." He held my hand.

  "No, theater sounds fun. I don't want to miss it." I frowned trying to lighten the mood and change the subject. There was no use on ruining the night and spending a couple of hours wondering what happened before Seif finally decides to reply.

  "Whatever you want to do babe. We can go to the theater tomo-"

  "So Zayn, after we finish our little vacation, what do you plan on doing?" My father appeared from nowhere, his hand over Zayn's shoulder and his body pressed between both of ours blocking all means of contact between Zayn and I.

  "Oh, Mr Saeed." Zayn smiled tiredly. He wanted to be polite with my father, that was obvious but it was almost impossible to have a moment to ourselves if my father could hep it. "I have about a couple of months more of touring and preparing for the next album before I could have some time off."

  "That's a long time away. You know, being a businessman myself, I do tend to travel a lot on my work. Especially when we were in the beginning of our lives. My work needed me to make deals with foreign merchants, I was good at my work, the best even, and my business grew extensively but it came on the expense of my family." My dad was serious for no obvious reason.

  "Travelling is the hardest part of this job, but once Maggie and I are married she will travel with me I hope. It would make it much more bearable." Zayn smiled at me while he spoke. I didn't know he had it figured it out, what we'll do after we got married. It scared me but I just pushed the feeling to the back of my mind. 

  "A family needs stability." My dad said unfazed by Zayn's excitement. I didn't understand why he insisted on making things difficult. If the roles were revered and it was me grilled like that by Zayn's family I would stutter and cry. I had no plan about the future, I didn't even had a plan for my own wedding or set a date for that matter. All I knew is that I loved Zayn and he loved me, that was all I cared about.

  "I don't imagine I'd be doing this for long. I mean, of course I'd love to, but I know it would be much less, um, intense?" 

  "How so?" My father was intrigued. He probably thought he had Zayn trapped with his words but boy did he underestimated him.

  "This, this is just a wave we are riding. Sooner or later a new voice would come along and fans would want him or her more than us. And we would just be a chill singers, making an album each couple of years, touring less countries in longer times. Having more than enough time to spend with my family. I want to be like my own father, he was always there for his family, be it a birthday, school play or just a game of footie."

  My father listened carefully almost nodding but then he stopped taking a second to think before he spoke again, "It's reassuring to know you are a family man Zayn, but how do you intend on making a family without spending time with your own fiancee? Get to know each other a little better?"

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