18: Jealousy?

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The night was long, to say the least.

Olly had fallen asleep talking to me on the couch and being the insomniac I am, I didn't sleep at all. Even if I was tired, I probably wouldn't have slept either. The moment my eyes close, who knows what I'd do? I could kill him if the monster desired to, so I stayed awake, watching over him. Every soft sigh and every flutter of his eyelashes had me mesmerized. He never tossed or turned and he never snored. The moonlight hit his face perfectly, defining his high cheekbones and thin rosy lips. His light freckles looked like sunkissed stars under his eyes. When the sun rose, he seemed to radiate.

Straight up perfect and pure.

The way he held me last night...

I'm not the only one feeling giddy about it, right?

C'mon, that has to mean something. It has to. I hope I'm not overthinking or overanalyzing anything. I like to think I'm pretty spot-on when it comes to reading people's actions.

For what seemed like an eternity, he didn't let go. And I didn't want him to. His slender fingers deliberately traced every muscle of my back and rubbed made-up shapes into my scales. When he began to speak about nothing particularly important, his low, mumbled voice had my stomach clenching. I don't even remember what I said back to him. Probably incomprehensible nonsense, I dunno. Either way, his warm giggle melted every last string of consciousness I had left.

I wanted to kiss every last inch of his aching body. Kiss and feel and love and worship. Kiss until he understands how much my heart adores him. Kiss until he can't think of anything but me.

I wonder what he'd say if I had relayed all those feelings to him. Maybe he'd want to do the same to me?


How cheesy and unoriginal can my life be for my human contact to muddle down to a tacky romance story? Besides, we're still technically strangers. I might be jumping the gun on this one.

The next day, I was scheduled to reluctantly take Oliver to school. Unfortunately for me, he's a morning person, so he was up right when that magical rectangle started shrieking. He was already waiting at the door before I could even blink. (Chewy didn't approve of his punctuality whatsoever.)

Oliver dragged me through the forest and back to Roseorn. He spoke very few words on our journey, though. Something was bothering him yet after digging into his head, I was too afraid of finding out what.

"Olly, Olly. You can take your time, man. School don't start in another hour or so."

Oliver slowed his pace by just a few steps. "Gosh, you're right. I-I'm sorry. I tend to rush early in the morning to avoid...y'know."

"Ahhh, those punks? Olly, the three of 'em don't stand a chance against me. If they hurt you, I'll kill 'em. No sweat."

"DB! D-D-Don't kill them! Th-That's too far."

"You're too soft..."

He sighed, resuming his bee line towards his Hell. In the meantime, I took notice of how the city was still as busy as ever in the morning. I tend to only come out in the evening for grocery runs or late at night for more "grocery runs" if y'know what I mean, so I assumed that's when most people were at work. I guess in Roseorn, everyone's working somewhere some way somehow. Hell, I'd be happy to just be busy. And speaking of Hell, it was sweltering hot outside! I was wearing Mrs. Freaky-witch's stupid coat to "hide my identity." Hide my identity, my ass! I'd rather run naked than be in that fur coat in this 90 degree weather! Jesus...

Anyway, Oliver and I passed by a recent car crash. Both cars were demolished to the point where my uncultured self woulda thought this was some type of junkyard. No one could have survived that.

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