Chapter 12

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Bryan's POV

"Lord Bryan"Phillip Called with a little knock on the door. "You can come in" simply said.

He turned the knob and strolled in with a little bow and uttered. "Doctor Jason has arrived, he's attending to her wounds."He reported but, I didn't say a word and he continues

"Mr Lewis is here too. he's seated at the balcony awaiting you."

"Tell him I'll be there soon"I ordered and zipped up my white sweatshirt to go with a crazy black  jeans. I Drew out the drawer containing all of my bracelet, and picked out the most expensive necklace which has my name inscribed on it.

immediately I'm done wearing it, I stared at my reflection in the big mirror planted in my room and nodded in satisfaction before strolling out of my room in my usual steady but, intimidating steps.

"Lord Bryan"Mr Lewis called in acknowledgement as he stood on his feet with his right hand stretched forward for an handshake which I'd totally ignored and took the seat opposite his.

"Where's the Money?"I asked without beating around the bush.

"Here it is, Lord Bryan." Lord Bryan made a eye contact with Philip who was standing behind him and immediately, Philip fetched the briefcase from Mr Lewis and cross-checked if the money was up to the supposed amount.

"It's complete, Lord Bryan." Bryan gave a short nod and Philip was quick to understand what he meant and quickly dashed out to get their own part of the deal settled.

"Lord Bryan, have you gotten the News going round town!"Mr Lewis asked with a slight smile and Bryan knitted his brows to understanding a bit of what he meant.

"I supposed you ain't aware yet."Mr Lewis continued with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"Go to the point and stop beating around the bush."Lord Bryan said through gritted teeth as he stared daggers at him.

"Logan Norwich Goods is now X2 cheaper than yours and Most of your buyers had be doing business with him on daily basis. Including Jonah Mick Lory."He explained and a deep frown creeped into Lord Bryan's face. At that moment, Philip returned with the briefcase containing the goods Mr Lewis has just paid for.

Knowing his job here is done, He quickly stood up with smiles grazing his lips. "Guess, I'd be on my way now. Nice doing business with you, Lord Bryan."He bowed a little before walking off and his boys who were standing at a distance, quickly turned and followed suit, immediately.

Bryan wasn't someone who'd hide his feelings. Inwardly, He wished so badly to hit someone just to express his anger. "That bastard!"he'd hissed out with his knuckles clenched tightly.

Philip stared at his Boss and knew almost immediately that Mr Lewis must had said some provocative words. He knew what's coming next but, it was damn late.

Bryan stood up with an unexpected speed and  connected his clenched fist on Phillips cheek bone. Which, swept him off his feet and he'd hit hard on the tiled floors with blood gushing out of his mouth.

"Arrgh! That bastard!"He yelled as sweat broke out of his body. Logan Norwich, had been a long time competitor. They'd both attended same high school and Logan Norwich has always loved to do what Bryan does. He so much hates it when Bryan is been praised by others.

Bryan tried to controlled his anger when his phone began ringing on Phillips hands. Luckily the phone didn't hit the floor when Philip fell.

Logan Norwich

"Hello, Bryan."I called the moment he'd picked up. though,I wasn't close to him but,I could feel the heat of his anger. I love it when he's angry and frustrated.

"Logan Norwich!"He hissed out and I chuckled loudly enough for him to be able to hear it.

"Hi, Longfellow? How's the News? You know I'd promised to get back at you for stealing my one true love from me back then at school. Every lady I had eyes on, where always into you and what hurts me most, up until now.., was when you had s*x with my girlfriend and sent me the video.

You'd downgraded me, made mockery of me and do you really expect I'd let that slide?

"So you doing this, you trying to run down the business I've built in years was because of some silly REVENGE?"Bryan asked coldly trying to calm himself down.

"Silly?" I chuckled. "Watch your back Bryan, I'm getting back at you in full force and you won't see it coming."I said sternly and hung up the call.

You'd hurt my Eagle, Bryan Chapman.And it wouldn't hurt with you having a taste of your own medicine.

Rukky Donald

"What? why will they do that to you?" Anna asked and I signed loudly.

"I really don't know, Ann. It's just so annoying."I frowned as I sat properly on her bed.

"The rich dude could had loved you. You dresses beautifully, you're adorned with curves and also big boobs that he'd used as a pillow. But then, your parents had to spoil Everything by giving out your stinking stepsister to him."Anna hissed in disgust.

"You can say that again, Ann. She thinks highly of herself due to the fact that, her hips are alittle more bigger than mine" I said with a deep frown.

"Do you have anything in mind?"Ann asked and I shaked my head negatively.

"But, do you know who this guy is?"Ann further asked.

"of course! He's a popular dancer "brym's vibe"that's his crew name."I uttered and Ann stared at me with shocked bulging eyes.

"what? The leader of that crew is my crush for years now. his full name is "Bryan Chapman"Ann chirped and I frowned deeply staring at her reaction.

"Will you stop that!"I yelled, hurt by her reaction towards my crush.

"Are you angry? but, I didn't say anything wrong. I'm a die hard fan of his Crew and nothing more than that. Stop acting like he's your boyfriend or something."Ann hissed and rolled her eyes.

"You must be stupid to think he'd ever notice someone has ugly and skinny as you"I fired at her

"You that has curves, did he noticed you too? You're always feeling highly of yourself. mchteeew."Anna fired back which got me agitated and I slapped her hard across her cheeks and she retaliated with a pouch on my nose.

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