Epilogue AU's |{1}|

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Hello everyone! I got a request for more so I'm going to be adding a couple of mini epilogue stories in different au's with Wilbur and Aster so this will be the first one, I'll do maybe 5? I also have a Fundy mini-book on the way I'm just having a hard time working on it with everything from school rn. I do have a Technoblade book up as well if you want to check it out!
Thanks for reading :)

"Wilbur stop staring at the transfer student," Techno grumbled, poking Wilbur in the arm to get his attention.

Wilbur rolled his eyes and turned his head to face his brother. "Say's you, looking at Helios like he lights up the world. Selene is going to murder you if you keep looking at her brother."

Techno coughed and pushed his notes forwards. "What did you get for question 12?"

Wilbur rolled his eyes but pulled out his worksheet, sparing Aster one last glance as she sketched something into her sketchbook.

Wilbur found his brother after school talking to Helios and Eiji. He approached the trio and Helios greeted him with a wave while Eiji took the time to punch his arm in greeting before turning back to her conversation with Techno.

Wilbur rubbed his arm with a wince of pain at Eiji's greeting. "Eiji!" A voice shouted, "punching people is not how you greet them! Especially your seniors." Aster came to stand between Wilbur and Eiji. "Sorry, she punched you." Aster apologized to him.

"It's totally ok, Tommy does it all the time to me." He waved off the apology with a small smile.

Aster sighs, and pokes Eiji in the side. Both siblings are considerably shorter than Wilbur, Eiji only reaching 5'1, Aster reaching 5'4. "Time to get going Eiji,"

Emiko groans in annoyance before saying her goodbyes to Helios, Techno, and Wilbur. Aster waves goodbye as well and follows her brother away from the group.

Wilbur sighs happily. This did not go unnoticed by the two next to him.

"You were totally right," Helios says, Greek accent thick making it hard for Wilbur to understand some of his words. "He's down bad." Techno and Helios nod sagely before quickly darting away from Wilburs jab at their sides.

"Just ask her out already," Techno tells him, adjusting his backpack on his shoulders.

Wilbur shushes him. "Quiet down would you?!"

"Nah, think I'll scream to the world." Techno monotones with a dull look at Wilbur's desperate expression.

Wilbur scowls at his brother. "Whatever. We need to find Tommy, we've got stuff to do tonight."

Techno laughs quietly at Wilbur's topic change and points towards the benches where Tommy's tall lanky frame is visible through the crowd, a shorter female with bleached blonde hair stands next to him and the two are talking animatedly about something.

"Is that Makayla? The one he mentioned the other day?" Techno asks.

Helios nods, "It is, I've met her recently, a very nice girl, very energetic."

"Prom is coming up, who are you going to ask?" Paris asks Wilbur with a grin and nudges his side as they enter the library.

"Probably Aster," Wilbur lowers his voice so as not to get scolded by the librarian. "I assume you're going to ask Sam?"

"Actually he already asked me," Paris chuckles in amusement, "I was totally not expecting it but I said yes all the same, so I've got me a date."

Wilbur smiles, "That's awesome, do you know who else has asked who?"

"Helios is going to ask Techno after school, guarantee Techno will say yes. Selene is going solo, I think Ranboo is asking Eiji sometime today or tomorrow, that'll be the funniest height difference to see-"

"Isn't Ranboo 6'6?"

"Yeah, and Eiji is only 5'1. I think Tubbo is taking Morning Glory, Puffy asked Kailani yesterday and she said yes. Foolish asked Laniyah so they're going together. Dream and Erin are going together as well. That's all I can remember off the top of my head right now, I can get back to you later on it if you want."

Wilbur nodded, "That's ok, thanks Paris."

"No problem man, see you later." With that Paris walked off to one of the computers in a corner of the library, Wilbur walked over to one of the tables, taking a seat before they filled up with other students.

He wasn't sitting there long before there was a tap on his shoulder, he looked up and to the side to find Aster standing next to him. "Mind if I sit here?" She asked quietly, "There's no other seats."

Wilbur was frozen for a moment before he shook his head yes, clearing his throat, "Yeah sure,"

Aster slid into the seat next to him with a smile in his direction. Wilbur felt his neck heat up and he ducked his head, turning back to his notes.

After taking a few calming breaths he spoke up, speaking softly, "What are you studying for?"

Aster held up a red notebook with the words 'Chemistry Notes' written on it, "Chemistry," She sighed, "What about you?"

"Psychology." Wilbur smiled lightly and tapped the page in front of him.

Aster grinned, "Oooo, what am I thinking then?"

Wilbur had to hold back a laugh, "Did you think Psychology teaches us how to read minds?"

Aster shrugged, "I wouldn't know, I've never taken Psychology, psychologists are pretty weird."

This time Wilbur actually laughed and received a glare from the librarian as she patrolled the shelves. He coughed awkwardly and now it was Aster's turn to stifle giggles.

Throughout the study block, Aster and Wilbur got hardly any work done, talking and laughing quietly together about whatever came up. They almost got kicked out of the library a couple of times.

When the bell rang, Aster said her goodbyes and headed out of the library. Wilbur smiled at her retreating figure, jumping when Paris jumped into his line of sight.

"Go ask her!" He hissed loudly. Wilbur shivered at the harsh tone in Paris's words but all the same, followed the young man's instructions and grabbed his packed-up bag, and fled the library, running after Aster.

Nerves rolled around in his stomach as he fought through the crowd of students. "Aster! Wait up!" He called to her as he got close enough to be in hearing range.

She slowed to a stop and turned to face him as he caught up to her, nearly getting shoved right into her by students crowding the halls.

She gave him a questioning look, leaving space for him to speak. He took a deep breath, calming his nerves a bit.

"I know this is kind of random and not very extravagant or anything," Aster had started to smile, "but, would you like to go to prom with me?"

Aster smiled, "Took you a long time to ask didn't it?"

Wilbur laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck, "Maybe..."

Aster giggled, "You goof, of course, I will, give me your number and I'll contact you about times and colors and such." Wilbur sighed in relief.

"Good because I have no idea what I'm doing." He told her as he handed over his phone where she began typing in her number.

"I know." She smiled at him and handed back her phone. "Talk to you later Wilbur." She waved before turning and walking towards the door she had been heading to.

Wilbur was quickly jumped by Techno, Paris, Helios, Tommy, and Makayla.

"Fucking finally." Techno deadpanned as he punched Wilbur's arm.

Paris sighed in relief, "I know, it took me yelling at him in a library to get him to do anything."

"Shut the fuck up," Wilbur grumbled quietly and shoved Tommy and Makayla off him.

Internally he was smiling so much on the inside.

Just a Servant |{ Wilbur Soot x Female Oc}| Royalty AuWhere stories live. Discover now