Epilouge AU's |{3}|

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Aster always loved it when she could hear her soulmate singing. They had a beautiful voice and she loved their taste in music. When she was younger their singing would more or less be background noise, as she got older though she started to pay more attention to the lyrics that they sang, so that she could find the songs and listen to them.

She herself sang very rarely and when she did it was usually softer songs such as Hallelujah by Pentatonix or Saturn by Sleeping at Last. She had never sung in front of anyone, she always sang for herself, and, she supposed, her soulmate.

At one point when she was 17, she had analyzed her soulmate's voice whenever they would sing. From that, she found out that they were likely British based on the accent, and had a more masculine voice. She determinedly kept their pronouns they/them just in case they preferred something she didn't expect.

Now, she was 23 and was on a plane to the UK where she was going to college to be a makeup artist. It had crossed her mind that she had a chance of meeting her soulmate but it would be a very low chance but she wasn't one to pass up the chance. If she met her soulmate that would be nice.

She was incredibly lucky to have found a flat nearby both her college and a train station so that she could get places easily. She wasn't prepared to drive in the UK on the completely wrong side of the road (sue her she was American and it's totally weird to have the wheel on the right side of the vehicle)

Aster collected her bags from baggage claim and headed off towards the nearest exit, pulling out her phone to call a cab. She wasn't waiting long for one, and the driver helped her put all her luggage in the trunk and she took a seat in the back and gave the driver the address.

She pulled out her phone and made sure she had the right address, then settled on looking out the window at the scenery. It was quite a large difference here from Orlando Florida, and, though Brighton was nice, Florida was her home.

Her phone vibrated in her hand and drew her attention away from the landscape. Clay, her best friend since she was little, had texted her, reminding her to text everyone.

Despite being older than Clay by three years, they were still close friends. They had started their separate streaming channels together, eventually followed by Emiko, Aster's younger sister. She typed back a response quickly, letting him know she had landed and would text everyone once she got to the flat.

2 Months Later

"Hey Clay, what's up?"

"Can you hop on the SMP for a sec? We need a mediator."

Aster sighed, rolling her eyes as she walked into her room where her streaming setup was.

"What did you do this time?"

"Ok- hold on! I didn't do anything this time-"

"Sure, sure,"

"Tommy won't stop shouting and Nick has a headache and we're trying to get him to chill."

"Nick could just leave the call then." Aster pointed out as she logged onto the server.

Clay was silent for a moment then mumbled out, "Can you just join the call?"

Aster laughed softly. "Yep, talk to you in a minute." Clay hung up and Aster paused to open Discord on her second monitor. She entered the call and immediately turned down her volume at the shouting.

"Tommy." She spoke up.

The call went quiet apart from a whisper from Nick, "Oooo you're in trouble now..."

Just a Servant |{ Wilbur Soot x Female Oc}| Royalty AuWhere stories live. Discover now