Chapter Two - Written by 5secondslastsforever

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"Call me, beep me if ya wanna reach me. When ya wanna page me it's okay. I just can't wait until I hear my cell phone ring" I sing under my breath as I move to the couch, popcorn and oreos in my hands. It's been a while since Smash made an appearance, a week since I helped out with the car crash.

I checked up on everyone involoved, visited them at the hospital. I went as Ashton because I might attract too much attention in a blue costume. But I couldn't get this one boy out of my head, Luke. He wasn't seriously injured, he wasn't even in the accident. But he did something no one else did before.

He offered to help. Which was really sweet, even if he didn't do much and cut his hand so that I had to bring him to my apartment to clean him up.

But, now that he was gone and my schedule was completely clear, I had decided to sit back and just have a Kim Possible marathon. At least Kim got all kinds of gadgets and a cute sidekick. Maybe that's what you get of you have breasts. I looked down at my chest disapprovingly.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, snapping me from my thoughts. I groaned and rolled my eyes a little as I moved from my very comfty position to go and open it. Sometimes I wish I didn't live alone so that someone else would open the door. Although, my family was even lazier than I was so I would probably ened up doing it anyway.

I opened the door, only to see a tall blonde guy with a sheepish expression and a plastic bag. "H- hey." He said, fidgeting with the handles of the bag.

"Hi Luke," I said, an eyebrow raised, "Whatcha doing here?"

"I- er-" He looked around, then whispered, "Can I come in? It's sorta secret,"

I opened the door wide, full of curiousity. He shuffled in awkwardly, glancing around. I shut the door behind him saying, "Take a seat. It's okay, I don't bite."

He chuckled uncomfortably, tentaively taking a seat at the very edge of the sofa. He glanced around, until his eyes settled onto the TV, "What're you watching?"

I sat down beside him, taking a big handful of popcorn and leaning back. "Kim Possible" I answered, my mouth full.

"What's that?" He gazed at the screen, "Some kid show?"

I gasped, faking offense as I dramatically place a hand over my heart, "It's not just some kid show. It's about a teenage superhero in high school who saves the world on a regular basis with her sidekick and his naked mole rat,"

Luke raised his eyebrow, giving me this weird look, "That sounds really stupid. But it kinda sounds like your life,"

"I don't have a sidekick. Or a naked mole rat," I joked, smirking.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "Actually, that's what I came to talk to you about."

"Naked mole rats?"

He gave me a look that said, 'Seriously?' He atared at the room, avoiding my eyes. He placed a hand on his kee to stop his leg shaking, then he bit his bottopm lip and looked at me.

He stuttered , "N-no. You see, somebody got pictures of me and you last week- and, well, people think I'm your sidekick." He opened the bag, pulling out a huge gold and black costume, with a big 'L' on the front. "And I'd kinda like to be,"

"W- Wait, what?"

"I was thinking I could be called, 'Lukinator'"

I snorted, "Dr Fluke, more like." He looked taken aback, so I quickly added, "Where have you been since last week then?"

"Sewing this," He motioned to the outfit appraisingly. I raised my eyebrows. "What? Look, it's got really cool gloves,"

I was quiet for a while, a silence filling the room. Luke looked disappointed, pouting, "T- this was stupid. Sorry. Just- Just forget I said anything, yeah?" He packed up his bag and left, though I hardly noticed.

I was too busy thinking. I was so used to being by myself, living alone and saving the world alone. But, it had felt good to have someone helping me, even if that someone got cut and I ended up helping them anyway.

I looked up, only to see Luke gone. My eyes widened, jumping off the sofa and knocking over my popcorn. I groaned but didn't stop as I rushed out of my apartment and down my street. I spotted a blonde quiff in the distance, head and shoulders above anyone else, and ran towards it.

"LUKE!" I called, "LUKE!" He turned around at his name, surprise covering his face. I slowed down when I reached him, panting a little as I looked up to his blue eyes.

"I thought..." He began, but trailed off when he saw me getting down on one knee. I grabbed his hand, looking up into his eyes with mock sincerity.

"Dr Fluke, will you be my sidekick?"

[A/N]: Hey, I'd like to say thanks so much for reading. I'm super excited for this and to be writing it with @daylighthxmmings! Please vote and comment because it really means a lot x

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