Chapter 1

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"Oh my God, where the hell is he" Iwa questioned getting more frustrated and angry by the second. He began to dial his friends phone whilst grumbling under his breath, all of a sudden a jarring screech was heard.

"Yahooooo, bitches, everyone get on the bus, we don't want to be late" the flamboyant Captain shouted. "What the hell Crappykawa, we've been waiting for you for the last 30 minutes" the boy screamed angrily.

"Aw Iwa chan, you missed me" Kawa giggled. "Why would I miss you, you idiot. You've had us all waiting. What have you been doing because you arrived with me?"

"Iwa chan, please calm down, you're going to pop a blood vessel. I was making sure that my hair was perfect before we left. I have to look my best for my grumpy little hedgehog" Kawa sniggered.

"Who the fuck are you calling a grumpy, little hedgehog?" Iwa asked getting angrier by the minute. "Why I mean you of course" Kawa replied getting on the bus.

"I'll hit you if you don't shut up" the boy responded irritatedly. "Oooo, what are you going to hit me with Iwa channnnn" he laughed flirtatiously. "I can't deal with you, at the minute", he sighed getting on the bus.

As he walked towards his seat, Iwa noticed Makki and Matsun laughing hysterically. "What are you two idiots laughing at" he asked. "What are you going to hit me with Iwaaaaa channnn" Makki giggled suggestively. "Shut up" he responded. "Makki don't irritate Oikawa's grumpy little hedgehog" Matsun laughed.

Iwa stood up and turned to look at the third years before giving them the finger and responding with a pithy "Fuck you" and then he sat back down and put in his airpods and closed his eyes. This was going to be a long 3 hours.

Kawa sat down beside Iwa noticing that the boy was already asleep, he sighed loudly. "What's wrong Oikawa san? Kindaichi asked. "Oh nothing, he smiled, I was just hoping to talk to Iwa chan about something but he's already asleep".

"Kawa" Makki shouted," come and sit next to me". "Don't you want to sit next to your boyfriend" he asked with a sly smile. "WTF Oikawa, I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, I am very very single. Matsun go sit next to Iwa chan, I need to talk to Assikawa". "Hey Makki that's not nice and only I can call him Iwa chan" Kawa pouted.

Matsun and Kawa swapped places and within a few seconds Makki had started pumping Kawa for information. "Okay, Captain, what's going on? I've heard rumours that you have a little crush, so spill the tea".

Kawa looked shocked, "who told you that?" "No one I was just fishing on the off chance, but now I know it's true". "I hate you Hanamaki Takahiro" the brunette whispered. "Come on, you give me a description of your crush and I'll do the same thing". Kawa's head shot around to face Makki, "Oh my God Makki, you have a crush? Okay you go first" Kawa answered. "Not on your life Crappykawa, you first".

The brunette looked at his friend and began, "He goes to our school" Kawa began. Makki's eyes widened, "What ths hell Kawa, you're gay and you never told me. I'm hurt beyond belief" he fake sobbed. "Techinally I think I'm bi as I have never had feelings for any other guys and have dated girls before". "Continue" Makki replied.

"He's shorter than me" Kawa continued. "Well that isn't hard, I mean your over 184 centimetres" "Makki, if you want me to continue please stop interrupting me". "Sorry Kawa, you may proceed"

"He has dark hair, olive green eyes and is extremely hot. I can't concentrate when I think about him. He has rock hard abs and amazing biceps" Makki is shellshocked but replies, "Dude, that's gay. You should at least say no homo at the end of that sentence".

"Shut up Makki. I know that you are secretly lusting after Matsun, it's so obvious". Makki looked panicked, "what do you mean, it's obvious". "All of the team knows, but don't worry. I'll help you get together with your loverrrr" the brunette purred.

"Oi bitch" Makki answered, "I'll help with your Iwaaaa channn" no homo.

Kawa just sat there staring at him his mouth agape.

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