Chapter 1 - Hunting

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I ran out to the forest with Emmett, Alice and Jasper, and Rosalie. We were off to hunt. It was only a week since the confrontation with the Volturi, and we were having to hunt more frequently, because much of the game had been scared off by the Volturi, and so my family and I were not getting as much nourishment as we needed; only really enough for three or four days.

We headed into the trees, and I breathed in deeply through my nose, scenting some deer a few miles from here. Without a word to any of my companions, I sprinted off through the trees. We'd been at this far too long for them not to understand what I was doing.

I ran through the trees, barely glimpsing my prey before I launched myself onto it, latching myself onto its neck and ripping. I knew exactly what the blood would do; I moved myself fluidly out of the way so it didn't fountain all over my shirt and pants. Just as I finished off the kill, Alice and Jasper broke through the trees behind me. Emmett had most likely gone off in the other direction with Rosalie, where there were more bears. There were mostly deer this way. Jasper and Alice both preferred deer. But neither on them looked like they were ready to hunt at the moment, in fact, they looked worried and unnerved. What could be the matter? Had something happened to Emmett or Rosalie, or one of the others? Or had Alice seen something? Jasper interrupted my thoughts, confirming my second guess.
"Carlisle, Alice has seen another vampire meeting us soon." Another vampire? After the recent confrontation about Renesmee, which most of our kind knew about, I wasn't really surprised that a vampire had decided to pay us a visit. We only had to hope that it was not a vampire who meant any harm to Renesmee.

Alice interrupted my thoughts;
"I can't tell her intention yet, only that she will first turn up in..." She scrunched up her eyelids, like she was concentrating. "Roughly an hour. At..." She concentrated again on the vision. "Edward and Bella's meadow."

Hi everyone!! So, I know that some people don't like short chapters, they find them annoying, but I actually find it really irritating when people switch POVs halfway through a chapter. So, my chapters are just single POVS, and that's why they're so short. So I'm sorry if this annoys you, but it's the way I write, so deal with it. They'll probs get longer as the story evolves more anyway. But anyway, if you do read this story, I hope you enjoy it, and I'm not gonna delude myself that heaps of people are gonna read it or anything, I just like writing, and if no one reads it I don't really care, if someone reads it and votes of course I'm delighted, but it's not like I'm gonna stop writing if I get no votes or something like that. So yahhhhh. I'll update soon, and I hope my scanty group of readers continues to enjoy, cos that's what I'm all about!

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