Chapter 4 - At The House

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Bella and I were at the house with Renesmee, feeding her and taking turns to entertain her. The others had gone out hunting, but we couldn't leave Renesmee here on her own, so Bella and I were staying here to supervise her while the others hunted, then we would take our turn. Not that supervising Renesmee was really necessary, what with the advanced way she was maturing, but we all felt better if there was someone there with her in case the Volturi decided to pay another visit. We thought Alice would warn us, but we also thought better safe than sorry.

Just as I was entering the living room, where Bella was playing with our beautiful daughter, I sensed someone's mind, moving into the range of my mind-reading abilities. It wasn't Renesmee's or Bella's, because they were right in front of me. In fact, it was a completely unfamiliar mind, one I had never read before. An involuntary hiss escaped my lips, and Bella looked up at me in surprise, her face changing to shock, and then to horror at my stiffness and the look on my face. I cleared my throat, and was beside them faster than I could blink. I was pretty sure whoever it was had nothing against Renesmee, in fact, it was almost like they didn't know she was here at all.
"Not a danger to Renesmee. Female, I think - vampire - they just want to ask permission to hunt around Forks. Obviously we will deny them permission, and they will move on. Calm down." I added when it looked like Bella was panicking a little. She nodded, and visibly took an (unnecessary) deep breath to calm herself. Renesmee reached a hand out to Bella's face. Of course, I could read her thoughts anyway, so we were both getting the same message at the same time. What do I do? She was asking.
"Just stay calm, sweetie. There is nothing to worry about." Bella assured her, although it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself. Bella picked up Renesmee, and we made our way to the door to meet our... guest. I concentrated on keeping track of the vampire that was rapidly approaching our front door.

We made our way to the entrance hall, and stood in front of the door.

"We shouldn't open the door early." Bella states. "Even though you know they're there. It's kind of a bit rude." I looked at her in puzzlement, then shrugged. Whatever Bella wanted to say to make herself feel better about this whole thing.

Just then, a knock. Just the one knock, then a strange muffled sound on the other side of the door, a bit like a gasp, like the knocker had cut themselves off. Bella and I frowned at each other, and Bella made to step forward, but I pushed her back behind me, along with Renesmee, who was sitting very quietly on her mother's hip. I strode forward and tightened my hand around the door handle, then finally flicked it down and pulled the door towards me.

Before us stood a very beautiful vampire. Like, amazingly beautiful, could-give-Rose-a-run-for-her-money beautiful. She had a heart-shaped face and a chin-length bob of strawberry-blonde hair, with lighter blonde streaks through it. She had the lightest possible dusting of freckles over her cheekbones, and full, cherry-red lips, the darkness of them contrasting with the rest of her pale though striking features. But her eyes! Her eyes were something I have never seen in my hundred years. They were red, which was completely to be expected, but the amazing thing was that they had tiny golden flecks though them. What could this mean? I couldn't even begin to fathom what kind of lifestyle would suit this amazing creature.

But at the same time as all this cuteness and wonder, the golden flecks in her eyes were hard, and her eyes tight with what looked like - fear? And shock. Definitely that. She was ridgid, one hand clasping her other fist at her chest, like her hand had knocked without her mind's permission and she had to catch it. Her eyes were wide, and she looked frozen in time. But then she spoke, just in a whisper.
"Of course."
Only those two words. Then, just as suddenly as she had entered our lives, she was gone again, off down the drive, running almost as fast as even me. I was stirred into action by her sudden departure.
"Hey! Wait!" I yelled after her. But it was futile. She sprinted off into the trees, in the direction of Bella's and my meadow. I turned to Bella, shrugging. Weird. She had a confused look on her face, but I could see that she was mainly just happy that nothing had happened to Renesmee. She cuddled Renesmee to her tightly and buried her face in Renesmee's hair. I watched them contentedly, then strode over and gathered them both in my arms, and gave them a squeeze, earning a smile from Bella and a tinkling giggle from our daughter. I cleared my throat.
"C'mon - let's forget all about that and continue with our perfect afternoon." They both smiled, and we went back to the living room.

Okay! Now we're getting the party started. Lissabeth's first contact with the Cullen family. Did you like Edward's description of her? I am gonna just hurry up and publish this now, cos I don't much feel like writing a long rambling A/N since I am writing this at like almost midnight. So yeah. Stopping now.
Sooooooooooooo, cya fellas, and I hope you're still enjoying the story! Um yeah, not much else to say......
Chris, signing OFF!!!

PS, just realised, IM UPDATING TWICE IN TWO DAYS!!!!! I <3 school hols.

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