Chapter 7:

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****Authors note- So sorry it's been so long. But with the holidays, and a lot of family issues, I haven't ha time to write. My sister had a medical fallout, and it was a very stressful time, but now in distraction free, and back to Wattpad!!! Also,sorry if this chapter is a little boring, but it get better.

Surprise, Surprise. Cheater, Cheater:

Vanessa had mentioned the she was going to check this Quinn girl out. I assumed that meant looking at her Facebook, Twitter, And anything-else accounts to retrieve as much information as possible. Maybe even messaging her, like she suggested yesterday.

I woke up to one text message. It was from Vanessa. It was a screenshot of Quinn's Facebook profile. We looked at this yesterday in the car. But after studying it closely, I realized why Vanessa had sent me this. Right under where it states her gender, and hometown it said "in a relationship with Gregory Bourbon".

She obviously was not with Gregory Bourbon yesterday at the mall. She had her lipgloss painted lips all over Gage's precious angel lips. Does Gage know she has a boyfriend and just doesn't care? More importantly, does Gregory know he's dating the biggest whore in Cooks County?

I actually do know Gregory. He's seems Okay. Now that i think about it, We've had at least one class together every year since kindergarten. We're not best friends or anything, but I know who he is. We may say two words to each other every year. He probably doesn't even realize he knows me. Right now, we have Bio-technology together, and I think the same gym class too. He's on the hockey team, so it's mandatory he has at least one physical education class, just like every other sports player.

I told Vanessa to come over whenever she got a chance, and we'd hang out and try to figure out what the hell I was gonna do.

I don't want to tell Gage I saw him at the mall, because he will think I'm a stalker. Nor do I want to tell Gregory,

I don't know him that well. Vanessa will know what to do. Whenever I fail, which I'm not going to deny is most of the time, she knows exactly what I should do, and always helps me fix whatever problems i seem to always conjure up.

In the midst of my thoughts, my phone vibrated off of the table it was on. I had a text... from Gage. It said:

"Hey, I just was wondering if we could hang out today. I want to talk to you,".

What the hell?

"Yeah, Vanessa and I are gonna watch a movie later. You can come over whenever. Wanna watch it with us?," I replied after practically jumping up and down from the fact that he texted me AND wanted to hang out.

"I need to talk to you, just you. Text me after the movie, and I'll ride over. Just me and you,"

'Just me and you.' Now I was really shook up.

"Okay, I'll let you know," i replied, trying to be as casual as upossible. I called Vanessa and told her what he said. We decided that she and I could watch a movie another time. She was coming over to help me clean the house, and get ready.

What's gonna happen now? Does Gage know I saw him? Is he coming to talk to me about Quinn? I didn't know if I can handle him talking about another girl, the way I talk about him.

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