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"Liz, the telephone. It's your Aunt Rachel," my step mother called. I was at my dads in South Carolina when I received this phone call.

My aunt Rachel and I are very close. So much so, I spend, or spent, almost every weekend with her. I had my own room, or did, and everything.

"Hello," I introduced myself.

"Hey, I have to ask you a very serious question,". My aunt Rachel has always been a little over dramatic.

"Kay, shoot." I said, knowing it wouldn't be too serious.

"Do you remember that guy Gage from church?" She Asked. I did remember him. He started coming with a guy named Josh a couple of weeks ago, and we'd barley said two words to one another. He played the piano like a professional. Yes, I thought he was cute, very much so at that. Obviously, I didn't just tell him that.

"Yeah, I think so," I replied after a minute, so she didn't think anything of it.

"He's moving in with me, and since your room has the nice bed, I was wondering...," she hesitated.

"Yes?" I asked, again thinking of how dramatic she is.

"I was just wondering if you'd be angry with me if he took your room," she stated, acting as if the whole thing just broke her heart.

"Aunt Rachel, I'd be upset with you if you didn't give him my room," I said trying to reciprocate her level of dramatization. "Why is he moving in with you, though?" I asked.

"Well, his mother has a very important job in the military, and she'll be moving over seas. She, nor Gage, wants him to have to be ripped from place to place every 6 months. She wouldn't have time to homeschool him, and she's a single mother. So leaving him behind is her only option for him to be stationary. He does not have that much family around anymore, so I offered him a place here, since I can't have children of my own. He'll most likely end up staying here until he graduates," she explained in detail.

"Oh, okay. Well that's great. I'll be home in a few days, and I'll help you get things set up,".

"Thank you, darling. I'll talk to you later," she said, and after I replied she hung up the phone.

So Gage was moving in. Cool, no big deal... Yet. -------

Setting change---- gage has moved in, and it's been about a week. Liz and gage are on the bus!---//

Gage sat with me on the bus today. He has 3 days this week, and we haven't spoke a word. I decided to break the awkward silence.

"So, do you like Rachel's?" I asked the guy that now lived with my aunt.

"Yeah, I like it here in Whiteshear," he replied with a grin. Hiss beautiful smile was shining bright, and distracted me for a moment.

"Good," I chuckled. "Are you playing at church Sunday?" I asked.

"Yes, are you going?" He asked. Why did he care if I was going or not?

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure," I smiled back.

"Okay. Well this is your stop,right?"

I nodded I in reply.

" I'll see you later," he waved goodbye.

"See ya," I said tripping over everything that was between me and the bus exit.

These were the good days, when nothing ever happened between me and gage. Yes I thought he was cute but I didn't expect anything. I especially did not expect what would occur after only about a year of his presence......

* in the next chapter, it's been a year since gag moved in. The story will continue from there. I know this was short, and kind of quickly escalated, but its my first story. Comment and criticize but be gentle please lol.

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