Chapter 2:

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I remember when I first heard Gage play the piano. It was like listening to someone whose been playing for 87 years. From just listening, you would have never guessed he was just a fifteen year old boy. The way his fingers moved across the keys, knowing exactly what to do, and doing it without mistake. Each touch made a beautiful sound that could warm the depths of your soul. Gage's playing is one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard. He makes it sound so different. No one sounds the way he does. I could listen to him play forever. I could just float along, and listen to the heavenly rhythms and cords flow from his fingertips.

"Play the song I like," I'd say enthusiastically.

"I've already played it four times, Liz." He'd argue, even though we both knew there was no point in trying to persuade me. We both knew he'd play it. That he'd play it for me.

"Please? Just one more time. I love it," I'd beg, knowing I'd get my request fulfilled.

"Okay, but then I'm showing you what I actually came to play for you." He'd always give in.

I absolutely love hearing Gage play. That's one reason why we fit together so well. We both love music, and he inspires me. He's so intelligent. He plays so well without effort, and it amazes me.

When we were kissing, I couldn't help but think I was sharing a perfect moment in time with one of the best people in the world, and the most talented. Gage can do anything he sets his mind to.

After everything happened, I knew that everything had changed, and would be in continuous alteration.... Now that I've fallen for one of my best friends.

I consider him to be one of mine, although the feeling might not be mutual. I know you might think I'm crazy, but I'm not near as important to him as he is to me. It's always been that's way, but I've never minded. As long as i was around him, i was happy. Just a little contact, and everything was okay. Every once in a while, he'll say something sweet, or actually talk to me about things, but it's a rare thing. I cherish those moments, even more so now since I know they won't come near as often.

After we kissed, and I was finally was able to pull myself away from the room, Kate and I went to bed. As soon as I lay down, I receive a text message:

Gage:"Im sorry :/"

Me:"For what? You shouldn't be."

Gage:"I'm trying to get over someone, and I'm doing it all the wrong ways. I'm sorry for making you do it.."

Are you kidding me? Did he really just say that. Continuing the conversation, I said:

"You didn't make me do anything. It's just as much my fault as it is yours. You've just got to find the right ways."

Gage: "/:"

Now wishing that I hadn't, this is what I said: "We'll just forget all about it. Are you okay? If you need to talk you know I'm here for you, Gage."

Gage:"Thank you, and yea I know."

Me: "It'll be okay. Night. :)"

":/ I'm sorry. Good night."

I'm always the better person. Hiding my feelings, to save someone' else's. I knew before I sent that text, I would not be able to forget. I have thought about it everyday since it happened. It is the first thing that comes to mind in the morning, and the last thing before I go to sleep. When I'm lucky, I dream about it. I didn't want to forget, and I didn't want him to.

It's never been the same. We've barley had any conversation at all since it happened. Not talking to him is driving me crazy. I don't know what he's thinking, so I keep playing out all the possible scenarios in my mind. The after math was this: I fell for my best-friend, and he didn't even stumble. There was absolutely no way I could not at least TRY to win him over.

The whole thing reminded me of a movie, or a book (no pun intended). I could only hope that he would be feeling the same way I was. That on the inside, it was digging away at him like it was for me. That I would end up going through all these schemes trying to get him, and we'd go through a lot of meaningless bull crap. Somehow, by the least expected way possible, or by some miracle at the last second, we'd end up together and be happy ever after.

Reality check, nothing's happening. This isn't a story in which I can go and write or change the circumstances for my benefit.

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