Chapter 1:

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The change:

After about a year if Gage's residing with my aunt, it became nothing out of the ordinary for Gage, my friend kate, and I to hang out in Gage's bedroom. Kate is one of my friends that I always hang out with at Aunt Rachel's, simply because she lives down the road, and I've known her forever. Kate's, well, she's hard to describe. She's tall, and got long, blonde hair that twists in perfect ringlets. I love her to death, but she's had more boyfriends and been "in love" with more guys than you could possibly imagine a fourteen-year old could.

Everything began because we were playing a game, and since I broke a rule, the consequence was I had to kiss Gage on the cheek. Some consequence, I would have done that anyway. This lead on to the interesting conversation that would lead on to the the biggest change that would alter my friendship with Gage forever.

"I would never kiss Gage,"Kate stated disgustedly, after my 'debt' was paid.

"I wouldn't kiss YOU, Kate," Gage emphasized. "I'd kiss Liz though."

"If I kiss Gage, will you kiss him?" I asked half joking.

"Maybe. Probably not," Kate laughed.

I was just joking(kind of) about the whole ordeal, but he leans in. I don't even have time to move closer to him before his lips are already place upon mine. I feel his perfectly chiseled chin rubbing mine. Whats happening? Nothing major. Other than the fact that I just kissed Gage, someone I consider to be my best friend. He pulls away before I have time to gather my thoughts.

"See, nothing to it." I say untruthfully.

"I'm not kissing her," Gage stated firmly.

"I'm not kissing you, fool," Kate said as serious as possible. "That had to be awkward."

"Nahh, not really," I explained, knowing exactly what she was talking about. "As long as there's no feeling about it, then it's okay. Just for fun," I said, hoping I'd camouflaged my honest feelings.

"Yeah, nothing to it, see," he said leaning in. Before I knew it, it was happening again. But it was different this time. The first time was like the way you kiss your mom. This time, there was more. It was like waves crashing against the fragile beach, him being the waves. Roaring, so majestically. His lips caressed mine so gently, perfectly.

Later than I expected, he pulled away. The best moment of my life, which felt like had lasted an eternity, only lasted about 7 seconds. The best seven seconds of my life, the seven seconds that would change everything. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. It felt like it had lasted so long. I opened my eyes, and there are these beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. His gorgeous lips smiling at me, and his breath fighting against mine. Beautiful. Yeah, nothing to it.

"See, just for fun," I lied, shaken. That would be the biggest lie I'd ever tell. It wasn't just for fun. I wanted to do it repetitively. I hope he didn't pick up on the way my voice trembled.

Kate, thinking nothing of it, moved to the floor to text her boyfriend, and left me in the bed with Gage. I lay there with my eyes closed, thinking about what just happened & trying to show no emotion. By coincidence, I laid facing and him facing me. I had my arm under my pillow attempting to support my newly weakened-by-emotion body. I feel his fingers lock with mine, and his thumb ever-so-slightly rubbing the back of hands. I find myself rubbing him back. I suddenly feel his breath against my face. He catches me off guard when he places his nose against mine. Not even a hair could fit between the distance of our lips. He said something, but I couldn't force myself to pay attention to his, what I'm sure wer beautifully spoken words. When he spoke, I felt his angelic lips brush against mine. My lips meet his again, and even though it wasn't even 5 minutes since they were last together, it was felt like a reunion that was far past overdue.

This time was longer. The waves came slower, and crashed gently. It's like when the water meets the shore, and it pulls back slowly. Part of the beach is eroded, and even though its taking something with it, the waves leave a beautiful effect on the shore.

When I kissed Gage, I realized I couldn't just put my feelings for him to the side, and neglect them like they were nothing. They meant something. I had to act on them, and I wouldn't be able to get over him this time. I wouldn't be able to atop thinking about it, until I at least tried.

---What do you think?! Commet!!

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