Chapter 3:

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Pity and envy:

A week after the best weekend of my life, I go back to Aunt Rachel's. Hoping one of two things would happen:

1- he'd fall to his knees and ask for my hand in courtship (or less dramatically, just make a move. Just tell me I wasn't the only one that had developed strong feelings for the other.)

Or if 1 could never happen, which it wouldn't, option 2- everything could go back to normal.

But of course, I'm left in the dark. I have no idea what's going on. I'm just stuck in this fog that I can't do anything in. All I can focus on is him, and his kiss. The way his lips curved to match mine.

I wish I knew what was going on in his mind. Just give me something more than nothing.

I barley get two words out of him the whole time I'm there. All I can think about is all the whores he has dated. The treated him like crap, and just threw him away like a piece if trash. If I could have a chance with Gage, I'd treat him the complete opposite; like a treasure. Like one I've been searching for, for years. A treasure the rest of the world finds worthless, but I know it's real beauty and worth.

I pity those girls for being so stupid. I wish I could set them down and explain just how dumb the decisions they made are. If they only knew how stupid they were. Gage treats all of his girlfriends like queens, and what girl doesn't want a guy like that? A stupid one. Gage is perfect. He's respectable. He's hilarious. He can turn a bad day into a great one if you just spend five minutes (or I'm my case, seven seconds) with him. He's honest, and trustworthy. Faithful. Dependable. Need I go on? He's absolutely, 100% perfect.

Not only do I pity those stupid, cheating, idiots. But I envy them. Gage is the epitome of what every girl wants. I'd kill for a chance with Gage, just a chance. And I'd make damn sure I didn't ruin it. I don't know how anyone could throw away something so amazing like its nothing. What their purpose in throwing away something so unbelievably perfect, I'll never understand. Under no circumstances, would I ever treat him they way they did. I would make him feel wanted, loved, and cherished because that's exactly what he would be. Loved.

The way it looks, I'm not going to just get a chance with Gage. It was so easy for those other girls to get him, how did they do it?? Looks like I'm going to have to make it happen myself. I don't blame him, though. If as many guys done me the way the girls did to him, I'd be pretty slow to show my emotions as well, leaving the other party guessing. I'm going to have to somehow figure out what he's thinking. If I'm not going to just get a chance with him, I'm going to have to make one.

What do I mean by 'making a chance'? I mean I'm not just going to get this handed to me. I've gotta fight, and push for this! I know he's just a guy to everyone else, but to me, he's not just A guy, he's THE guy. I've got to show him how great we would be together, and show him my feelings. It's not just like I can go up and say, " oh yeah, by the way, I love you." That's what all the other girls did. And what did they do? Hurt him. He'd think I'd just do the same, and walk away without even giving me a shot. I've got to show him, not just tell him. I've gotta make it happen, not just sit back and let this opportunity go by.

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