We love you so much

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Peter's: POV

"Excuse me, but have you seen a boy with dark hair?" I asked. "I saw a boy yesterday, but I'm not sure if it was him because he didn't showed her face." said a woman. "Thanks anyway." I replied and she nodded. "This is hopeless." I complained. "Don't give up, we'll find him." said Janet. "But we don't know where he is." I replied. "If I know him right, he has probably gone to abandoned places where no people are." she said. "Maybe." I replied.

After a while we came to a burned-down house. "Teddy." I called but got no answer. "He has probably burned down the house to cover his tracks." said Janet calmly. I knew she was right but I couldn't stop thinking about what could've happened to him. "Please, don't let my son be dead." I replied and tears were rolling down my cheeks.

After a minute we found her. "Theodore." I said happily and hugged him. "Papa, Janet." he replied. "Never do this again, I was so worried." I said. "I thought no one loved me." replied Teddy. "We love you so much, we will always do." I said. "I'm so sorry papa, I promise that this won't happen again." he replied and hugged me back. "Come, time to go home." I said and he nodded his head.


Theo: POV

I sneaked into the hospital and I was holding a gun in my hand. I went to Vanessa's room and she was sleeping in her bed. I shot her to death and left the hospital quickly. I didn't care if I ended up in jail, I'm glad Vanessa won't bother us anymore.

I'm glad Teddy is okay and Peter found him

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I'm glad Teddy is okay and Peter found him. I'm glad Vanessa is dead.

I hope you liked the chapter


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