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Time flies for someone like me and yet it was slow enough to enjoy fully.

Melore was the first to warm up to me again followed by Rain, Kia took a bit of convincing.

Elise's dream had become reality, the empire was whole again, her parents, despite my emotional words that day, were the last casualties of the war, beheaded as price to let everyone else live.

I had turned much colder, emotionless the others say, but this is who I am, constantly seeing the flow of time through my mind.

I was stepped down from my roles, I wouldn't be a shadow knight, a shadow or a fighter anymore, I couldn't be one, my present role far outweighing the important of those and I knew I'd be changing fates if I stood in the way and I shouldn't do that, fate is fate, it should never change if I can keep it that way.

Owen took over as master of the shadows, I see a great future ahead of these men that once answered to me, glory to their descendants and their own descendants too.

"This prince and princess greets the time mother." I almost succeeded in smiling as I looked away from the town below, watching its future, holding my hand out to them, inviting them to come closer.

I looked at the white haired children no older then twelve, each matching my features from when I was still human but taking more after their mother in their behavior.

"Sel, Karem, have I not told you that you don't need to be so formal addressing me?" I had gotten less touchy too since my own fate was visible to me, it would lead to more pain if a spirit was to have a child with a human.

Tho these were mine and Elise's it was from those nights before the war so they were human through and through but their mother and I both had our magic from spirits even when I was a human which lead them to be born with qualities to their magic reflecting our own, Sel having a form of my old pocket realm, it opened into the one I had now as a spirit, Karem having Elise's strength.

"Yes mother." Both children said, Elise was a bit overbearing it educating them great, I know she fears they will turn out like her and her brother but I know that won't happen, they wear the names of people I was fond of as a human or cared for, I know they will bring them justice, their future is bright.... Really bright.

Their souls were pulled with mine, shackled together into a bond that was tied to me until I was to fade, I'd guide them through as many life as it takes, I can't be more proud of them then I am.

"What are you doing?" Sel asked, trying to look over the small wall.

"Where have you left Layla?" I asked, that teen was grudge holding, she still wanted Elise dead but channeled her feelings into training with Owen.... The twins.

She liked them more then she'd admit it.... She'll die for them in the future and I wish that wasn't the case but such is fate, nothing can change it and if it could, I can't let it.

"Watching." I said, lifting her to stand on the small wall as I held her side, Karem climbing up by himself on my other side, both staring off at the town too.

"What are you watching?" The boy asked, face scrunched up.

"I will tell you later." I said, staring towards where they were staring at. "Much later."

Let me tell you this was not exactly the ending planned but I am happy with it idk you.

I am proud of this done, Akito's story being wrapped up.

If you still want to read about character in their world of mine check out a split off story in the same world 'silent flight' or a story about the future of Solor Akito mentioned in 'a spark from before'. the story 'Humanity's Hubris' Is technically not as important as a spark from before was written before that and it is still being written.

I can't wait to write more stories in this world I made, I was thinking about making a book that is more like a dictionary/lexicon about this world where I go in detail about the races, the magic, the spells and anything a reader would ask for or I'd feel like explaining... What do you think? I think it would be interesting, right?

Welp I am happy you read it all through and (probably lol) liked it, take a look at the rest tho be warned the older the book the more cringy it is. you can also give me ideas on what you want me to write a story about, always open for ideas.


Thanks for reading and have a good day.

Chris Wolfblood.

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