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"Arms higher!" I called, Sel lifting her arm.

"Are you or am I training her?" Rain asked, amused.

The three of us were standing in the courtyard made of stone, Rain being the only other mage was tasked with finishing Sel's training even if she had wild magic.

"If she doesn't have the right basics right away the kid will not learn things right."

"I know, you should head to see Elise, I know you are putting it off." I scratched my neck through my clothes.

"She isn't requesting my presence instantly, I need to make sure Sel is learning the right things, I am responsible for her as her self proclaimed family."

"I'll be fine sis, just get it over now, you'll continue be troubled by it the longer you put it off and I bet you don't want to have that talk at dinner do you?"

"This has nothing to do with that."

"It does tho."

"Go on before I ask people to take you away." I rolled my eyes, turning on my heels.

"Fine, I don't enjoy being dragged around." I dismissed Rain's empty threat but walked off.


I don't know why she wants to see me, was it with my job? What I had done? Other stuff? I wish I could tell what it was but I cannot.

"You called for me empress?" I opened the study room door.

The room had deep blue walls with a light brown wooden floor and furniture, the whole aesthetic of this castle is white and blue.... How fitting of me.

There was a big window in the back and a bookshelf covering the right wall completely.

"I indeed did, you took quite some time too get here tho." I don't like the effect of her voice on me, too smooth and tempting, a trap drawing in its prey before snapping close and crushing them.

"I apologize, I was occupied." I bowed my head slightly making me yet again wonder how many of these gestures are common in Solor and weren't a thing here in Kazaras.

She was leaning on her desk with one arm the other on her hip and had been previously looking at maps I see opened on the table, lacking the gauntlets and mantle, both neatly arranged on the nearby couch.

"And what was more important--" She started, straightening up and brushing her hair back. "-than answering my call?"

"I--" Well I can't tell her Sel's training is more important then the empress herself.

"So it was not important." In two steps she was right in my face.

"It was important bu--" "I don't think it was as important then my words was it? Should I teach you a.... Lesson~?" I gulped, I really don't like that tone, I really don't. "Or maybe you'd like that too much, you already red from just mentioning it."

"I-it s just embarrassing!" I blurted out but it just brought a smirk on her face.

"I'll let it slide this one time little miss knight." She poked her finger against my chest and kept it pressed there. "This one time." She dragged her hand down before dropping her arm.

"Why did you want me here empress." I cleared my throat, keep your thoughts in line Akito this is the empress for gods sake.

"Hmm straight to the goal aren't we? Well then I shall enlighten you, come along." She grabbed my elbow and pulled me to the table. "Do these seem familiar to you?"

I glanced at the maps superimposed on each other to line up the boarders and create a bigger map. I set my hands on the edge of the table for support as I leaned a bit forwards.

"It is Kazaras."

"Little miss knight did her work, now why would it be important for you to know this?"

"I am to be your shadow?"

"Mmm yeah, yes a valid reason, I might not know what a shadow knight is, even my dear Kia wouldn't go in depths, some Solor secret but doesn't matter, a shadow must know all and go unnoticed."

"What other reason is there empress?" 

"I do not know if the other's didn't tell you or you refuse to acknowledge it." Her right hand grabbed down tightly right over my right one, trapping me. "But I am called Elise between these walls and not empress, got it?"

"But empre--" I was shoulder checked and stumbled back but since my hand was trapped I ended up dong a half spin and fall against the table that I grabbed to keep from tumbling.

"I said Elise, got it?" I was frozen in shock as her free hand grabbed my chin and yanked my face closer to her own and pinned me back with her body.

My elbows buckled, body unconsciously trying to get further from her but it lead to her leaning more on me, I was truly trapped.

"Got it?" hHer hand slipped up and grabbed my long hair, yanking my head back. "Got it?!"


"Good." I gulped as she backed away, falling to my ass as I sat there with my mouth agape, more then sure she knows what she's doing to me, I bent my knees up against me to hide the embarrassing print, I cannot be turned on from this can I? CAN I???

"Anyhow." She grinned. "Go have a walk little miss knight to clear your thoughts before I actually tell you why you are here, we don't want you... Distracted."

I took the offer and fled the room which just made her loudly laugh at my dismay, 100% knowing what she was doing to me.

"This woman will kill me." I whispered, taking a deep breath and just marching off ahead.

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