Chapter 18

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~Skylar~ *Party*
I get out of the car and go inside with Roni by my side.
"You have fun, I'm gonna go get a drink." Vanessa and Veronica say together. After hanging out with them a lot I figured that they did that a lot.
"Okay." I say as they walk away. I look around and see a Aussie coming my way.
"Hey beautiful. Do you want to have fun?" Slurred words coming out of his mouth.
"No thanks." I try to leave, but he takes hold of my hands.
"Come on, let's go have fun." He tries to pull me.
"I said no." I knee him where the sun doesn't shine. I go up the stairs that were on my left. I chose a door hoping that no one is in there. I twist the knob and push it open. I can't believe what I'm looking at.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yell.
"Skylar, it's not what it looks like."
"It's not what it look like, you're making out with a guy. A DUDE." I run my hand throw my hair. I can't believe I'm looking at this.
"Skylar, please don't tell anyone." he begs me and he's sober.
"YOU KNOW WHAT, FUCK YOU!" I slam the door and run down the stairs.
"Skylar, let me explain." Reese says from behind me. I speed up and run outside, I keep running until I reach for the end of the street. Fuck, I don't know where I came from. I take a seat on the curve.
Pretty soon I feel small raindrops coming down, next thing I know it starts to pour cats and dogs. I go under a tree and take out my phone dialing the first person that came to mind, Calum.
"Hello," Calum says
"Calum you come pick me up." I say into the phone.
"Yeah, are you crying?" He asks.
"I'm at Jefferson Lake St." I tell him before hanging up.
I get up from under the tree when I see Calum's yellow Hummer turn the corner. I go into the car shivering.
"What happened?" Calum asked me with a worried face.
Just thinking about what just happened made tears fall down my cheeks like the Pacific Ocean.
"R- Reese" I began to say
"Do I need to beat someone up?" I smile a little and continue my story, "I was at the party with Vanessa and Veronica. They left me and went somewhere, a lad came up to trying to get the v. I kneed him, just like my dad taught me. I went upstairs to find a empty room. Reese was making out with a guy, a guy Calum, on the bed."
"I'm so sorry, Sky." Calum begins to say.
"It's okay," I highly dislike when people apologize when they don't mean it.
"Skylar, he's not worth your tears. He's a idiot if he broke up with you."
When we get home I go straight into Kasey's room.
"Hey," Kasey greets me.
"Hi." I say
"What happened, Calum told us that you were crying."
"R-Reese cheated on me."
"Im sorry. To get this of your mind, do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow."
"Sure, Can I invite someone?"
"Yeah, it can be a girls night."
"So how was your date with Luke?"
"It was AMAZING."
"He told me he loved me. And it was a perfect night. He sang to me, and it was sealed with a kiss."
"Awe. I ship Lasey."
"Lasey?" Kasey questioned.
"Luke and Kasey equals Lasey."
"Well, in that case I ship Lasey, too."
"Okay so I'll see you tomorrow morning."
"Okay, goodnight."
I step out of her room and go to mine which is two doors next to her. I shit my door and lay on the bed. My bed is the most comfortable thing ever.
Reese: Skylar let me explain
Reese: Skylar
I turn of my phone. I think if something I could do to forget why happened tonight.I grab my laptop of my desk and turn it on. I log onto twitter and stalk some of the 5SOSFam, to be honest some of theses fans creep the shit out of me.
Skylar Clifford: I'm bored what should I do...
I start to creep on some more tweets. I then search Real_Liam_Payne. I look through his timeline to see that Liam ha slayed a beibler.
Next Day
I wake up and jump into the shower.
Once I finish, I put a 5SOS sweater over my tank top and pull on a pair of shorts. I go downstairs and see that all the guys are still sleeping. I decide to play a trick on them to lighten my day. I go into Luke's room first, I take his penguin( which by the way he was hugging tightly). Next I go into Calum room taking his turtle I got him, I take Ashton's drumsticks and bandannas, and I take Michaels hair products.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PENGUIN?" That's the first time I probably heard Luke actually yell a curse word. He such a knob.
I slip into my closet room and lock the door. I grab my phone and turn it on.
27 unread messages
2 missed calls
And 1 new voice mail.
I open up my messages.
R: Skylar let me explain
R: Sky
R: I'm such an idiot.
They all said the same thing except for the last one.
Lucas the six foot penguin: WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PENGUIN!!
I send a quick message
I listen to the voice mail
"Skylar, I'm such a dumbass. Please just don't tell anyone."
(AN: Sky to Reese)
You could've just told me instead Of leading me on.
SORRY THIS IS LATE!!! There will be a part two cause this is very short
Did anyone see this coming?? I bet some of you did but not with a guy. Reese is such a knob.
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