Part 12

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BAM!!!!!  The door flys open and Namjoon runs over. You sit up quickly covering yourself and Yoongi. 

"Y/n I'm so sorry."

You look at him confused. "What Joonie? What's wrong?"

Namjoon sighs and looks down at the ground. "Jin was deployed this morning, you will have to cancel any flights you made."

You feel a sudden ache in your heart and instantly curl into a ball hugging your pillow. Namjoon walks out of the room while Yoongi keeps calling your name, and you decide to ignore him staring at the wall. Your phone starts to ring on your night stand but you ignore it. Yoongi picks up and tells whoever on the phone what happened and hangs up.

"That was Hobi y/n he is worried." Yoongi whispers.

You still don't answer him. After what seems like minutes of Yoongi trying to get you to talk he decides to just hold you from behind.


A year passes and you have moved into Jin's room just to be closer to him. Once a month you would receive letters from Jin, him making a promise of him returning soon. All them members have been trying to keep you busy as well as Sarah.  She tried her best but she is now pregnant with Joonies child. Your contract was almost over, but all the members became family to you so they made you sleep in Jin's room. You spent nights with Yoongi as you two have become very close, in fact he is the only member you are sleeping with.

Next Day:

Walking back and forth anxiously waiting for results with Sarah.

Your voice shakes "You think it's ready yet!? Sarah you check for me"

Sarah walks over to the sink and picks the rest up "OMG y/n it's positive! You are pregnant"

You look at Sarah and start crying " NO! WHAT ABOUT JIN! I only missed taking my pill one day! How could this of happened."

"Y/n Jin will understand, you should really tell Yoongi" Sarah said.

You grab your phone and dial his number.

Yoongi answers"Hey baby"

You pause for a moment

"Baby? You there?" He seems worried.

You finally find the courage. "I need to tell you something"

"Okay baby I'll be right there" he hangs up.

You and Sarah hear knocks, and the door opens slowly revealing Yoongi. He looks at you and his eyes soften to the sight of you clutching your pillow the same way you once did when you learned Jin was leaving. He rushes to your side.

"I'll let you two talk" Sarah leaves closing the door behind her.

You look at Yoongi and admire all his beautiful features. "Yoongi....I'm pregnant"

His face instantly turns into a gummy smile. "Y/n finally are you happy!? I'm so happy baby." He hugs you and you start to cry.  He backs up confused.

"I'm very happy Yoongi, but Jin, he will be back in a month I-"

"No y/n please I love you, don't you love me!? Aren't I enough? You haven't seen Jin in 5 years. I have been with you every night for 3 years, please tell me you love me, y/n look at me" tears start to fall from Yoongis face.

You grab his hands and gather them in yours "Yoongi please you know I love you, but I'm still with Jin."

Yoongi leans in and touches his forehead with yours. "I know y/n, as long as you love me that's enough.

You kiss him and say "are you ready to be a dad?"

He smiles his gummy smile and says yes. " I would love it if you were my girlfriend tho...."

"Yoongi....Jin and I are still together. I need to tell him everything in person, let him decide"

Yoongi shot you a sad smile and kissed your hand. " I know y/n"

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