Chapter 1

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Sam and Dean slowly drug themselves out of the impala and made their way into the bunker. They had just got done clearing out a vampire nest and decided to.come straight home rather than staying in a hotel for the night.

"Thank god we're back. I'm fucking tired." Dean groaned throwing his bag on the ground as he walked in. He wouldn't admit it but hunting was really beginning to take a huge toll on him.

"Yeah. It'll be nice to sleep." Sam agreed.

They didn't say much more but each headed to their separate bedrooms to get some rest. Except Dean decide he was going to take a well needed shower.

As he showered he let his thoughts run wild. He thought of how nothing big had happened for a long time and of how things were finally settling down. It came as a huge relief for him. Maybe he would actually get to retire in the future.

After cleaning the dirt and grime from his body he pulled himself out of the shower and threw himself into his bed. He was asleep in less than a minute.


The next morning Sam up early and making breakfast in the kitchen, glad that he wouldn't have to do anything for the next few days.

"Sam," Cas' gruff voice spoke from behind him, "Where's Dean?"

"Cas! Don't do that!" Sam jumped and grabbed his chest. "He's asleep."

"Sorry." Cas said, though he didn't sound to apologetic. "Go wake him. We need to speak."

"Okay." Sam said with an unsure tone. He headed up the stairs to drag his older brotger out of bed. Sam came back down five minutes later with Dean following.

"What do ya need Cas?" Dean asked, rubbing his eyes.

"We need to go to North Carolina." Cas was blunt with his demand. Both boys looked up at him in confusion.

"Why?" Dean groaned, hoping he could put off this task for a few days.

"There is someone we need to get. Someone important." Cas vaguely explained to them.

"We're going to need more than that." Dean rolled his eyes as he grabbed a mug and began filling it with coffee.

"She's your sister." The announcement shocked the brothers and they both stopped what they were doing to stare at Castiel in shock.

"Sister?" Sam asked, his eyebrows raised.

"We don't have a sister." Dean argued.

"Dean, it's a complicated situation. Even if didn't know about her until recently." Cas explained with a frustrated tone. "There are rumors that she is going to be used for something. She is of great importance and it is necessary that find her and protect."

The boys didn't know how to answer, mainly because they were still in denial about having a sister. How could it be possible for John to have yet another child? Before either of them could respond another voice rang through the bunker.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that because that's my job as her guardian angel." Everyone in the room turned to see Gabriel standing in the doorway. "You weren't even supposed to know about her."

"Wha- but..." Dean stuttered as he was once again speechless this morning. "Aren't you supposed to be dead?"

"This is going to be fun to explain." Gabriel muttered as the other three men stared at him in complete shock.

A/n: As you can see this story is undergoing extreme editing. I wrote this story when I was young, hence the fast moving plot and cringe scenes, so i hope to.fix some things and some major plot holes.

I thought about deleting the story but there are still people who are reading, voting, and commenting. Hopefully everyone will like the small changes I make and the small details I add in.

Edits will be slow as I do have a life, not to mention other stories to work on, so please bare with me until I get it done.

Thank you❤

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