Chapter 8

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When I got done showering I quickly threw some clothes on and ran downstairs to see what Sam and Dean were doing. When I reached the room they were in they were having a hushed conversation and I only heard two words from it. Hunt and Texas.

"Well what're we gonna do with Ella?" I heard Dean ask.

"She can just come with us." Sam said as if it were the obvious choice.

"Not with Crowley after her!" Dean argued. "Do you have any idea how stupid that is?"

I decided that this would be the perfect time for me to join the conversation. "Why not? give me a weapon and I can take care of myself. Plus, I'll always be with one of you two." I walked into the library and sat beside Sam. Sam and I both looked at Dean anxiously as we could tell that he was actually thinking about it.

"No. You're staying here. You can call Gabriel if you need anything." He shook his head, denying the idea.

"I can take care of myself, Dean! I have been for three years!" I snapped at him. What do these idiots think I did before I met them?

"Three years? What happened to your mom?" Sam said.

"How should I know? She's the one who left." I grumbled as Sam placed his arm around me in sympathy.

"Look I just don't want you getting hurt." Dean sighed. I know I'm not gonna win this argument and I need to choose my battles right now.

"Fine." I agreed. Dean stood up and ruffled. my damp hair before he and Sam went to pack their go bags.

Sams' POV

When Dean and I got done with our bags we couldn't find Ella anywhere. She was probably still annoyed about not getting to go with us. We looked around a little bit more but once we could tell that she really didn't want to talk decided to leave. We can call her she we get there.

"It's weird." I said. "It has the markings of a vampire and werewolf."

"I thought those guys didn't get along." Dean said while finishing off his coke. He threw it into the backseat.

"Ow!" Dean immediately slammed on the breaks and looked at me. 

"That better have been you." He said as he clenched his teeth. We both turned around and saw Ella sit up from the floorboard.

"That hurt." She said looking at Dean.

"Well, you aren't supposed to be here." Dean argued.

"She'll be fine Dean." I laughed. "She's just like you."

"Just like me? She looks like you! And she likes reading. I don't." I laughed and Ella rolled her eyes.

"Have you guys thought you're dealing with a mix?" She asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Y'know. Part werewolf part vampire." She replied.

"Would that work?" Dean looked at her.

"Sure. Why not? Happens in TV shows all the time." She shrugged.

"Well I'll look into it when we get wifi. Thanks for the input Ella." I smiled at her.

"No problem." she smiled in return. Silence filled the car and we all stared at the road as Dean drove.

"Are we there yet?" Well this is going to be a very long car ride.

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