Chapter 12

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**Ellas POV**

I don't know how long I've been here but I'm getting really bored. There's absolutely nothing to do. I already got in trouble for breaking a bowl. According to Crowley some of this stuff is expensive. I was just sitting on the floor staring at a wall when I felt my phone vibrate. 'We got the locket. We tracked where you are through the gps on your phone. We'll be there soon.' it was a text from Dean. I quickly responded and went back to staring at the wall. I smiled knowing they were on their way. As I put my phone back in my pocket Crowley appeared again.

"Ella," he started. "We're letting you go." I looked at him in confusion. This is to easy. "If I don't have the locket by midnight there is going to be some problems."

"What time is it now?" I asked. "Why midnight?"

"It is one in the morning. You have a whole day." He answered. Before I could ask anymore questions I was suddenly standing in the middle of a road. I immediately called Dean to tell him what happened.

"It's kinda like Cinderella." Dean laughed. "Except instead of being home by midnight you have to give a locket to the king of hell."

"Whatever. Come get me." I happened to be quite close to where Sam and Dean were. It only took an hour for them to get to me. We were in the Impala and I was explaining what the locket did.

"Where did you get it?" Sam asked as he looked at it.

"Why does it matter?" I took it from him and put it back in the picture frame. I smiled fondly at the picture. It had always been one of my favorites.

"Why don't you wear it?"

"I don't want anything to happen to it?" The car went back to silence until Dean spoke up.

"Who's in that picture with you?" He looked at me through the review mirror.

"My brother." I replied not looking away from the picture.

"What happened to him?"

"He died while over sees. Someone blew his car up." I said so quiet I barely heard myself. Sam looked at me with pity and Dean said a quiet apology.

"I'm guessing he's the one who got you that locket." I nodded not trusting my voice. I knew if I opened my mouth is start crying. As soon as I looked back at the picture a tear escaped my eye. I decided to lay down in the back seat and get some sleep.

**Sams POV**

I felt bad for Ella when she told me what happened to her brother. She's been keeping secrets but not the kind I had thought. We quickly drive to the bunker so we could discuss what to do about the locket. As we approached the bunker saw a red pickup and two guys sitting on the hood. Dean and I looked at each other confused. I noticed Ella wake up I the back. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the two guys and asked the question we were all thinking.

"Who are they?"

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