Chapter 25

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**Ellas POV**

Danny and I were standing in our hotel lobby, as we have just gotten to Greece, when Gabe called. I looked at Danny with wide eyes and we were trying to speak to each other with hand motions and by mouthing words. I'm sure everyone thought we were crazy.

"Are you gonna answer my question?!" He yelled into the phone.

"Just tell him." Danny whispered. "I bet he'll be at least a little understanding." I nodded as I prepared my self to answer Gabriel.

"We're in Greece." I said with an unsure tone.

"Why can't I sense you?" He asked, sounding confused.

"Hex bags." I answered.

"Smart." He said.

"We only wanted to come for a week!" I started defending us. "The guys weren't supposed to find out." The other side of the line was silent for a minute and I have Danny a worried look.

"Fine." He replied and I squealed while hugging Danny. "I'll come and get you a day before they come home so make sure to keep in contact with me! And for gods sake use protection!" And with that he hung up.

"He said we could stay?!" Danny yelled happily.

"Yes!" I hugged him tightly. "He said he'd come get us a day before the guys came home and to keep in contact with him!" I left out the part about protection because we're not gonna try anything. Gabriel is just being immature. We grabbed our suitcases and made our way up to our room. It's nice to stay in a nice hotel, unlike the rundown ones we usually stay at with our family.

"So what do you wanna do first?" Danny asked as we changed into more presentable clothes.

"Anything. As long as it's with you." I replied with a playful smile, knowing how cheesy that was.

**Gabriels POV**

After finding out where Danny and Ella disappeared off to I focused back on finding information about Lucifer. I know a demon who knows some stuff. A friend of mine got him tied up in a demon trap for me since most people think I'm dead. I made my to the warehouse he's in and saw him in the dead center of the floor.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" He groaned as I walked in.

"Did you think it would be that easy to get rid of me?" I laughed. I was getting ready to start interrogating him but before I could even start the devil himself showed up.

"If you wanted to talk to me why don't you just call?" He said with a smirk. "But first, let's get rid of this guy." And with that the Demon started screaming. He was being burned from the inside out. Once he was dead Lucifer turned to me. "I should've known you weren't dead. You're right. It shouldn't have been that easy."

"Why are you doing this?!" I asked

"You were always my favorite y'know." He stated. "You were always trying to keep everyone together. I'll never forget how you stood up for me." He's avoiding the question.

"Answer my question!" I screamed.

"You don't remember?" He said, with a genuinely confused look. I shook my head and gave him a look to continue. "A very long time ago. When I got out of the cage, before God threw me back in. I met a girl." Then I remembered. "Ella is exactly like this girl. She looks like her. She acts like her. So I want her!"

"I thought you didn't like humans. You hate them." I whispered.

"But I loved her!" He yelled. "I loved her not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way she could silence my demons."

"But Ella is not in love with you. She's not Esmeralda." I told him with a look of pity.

"Please don't say her name." He said quietly. "I couldn't have her so Ella will have to do."

"Well you're going to have to get through us to get to her!" I said angrily. "Boo Hoo you didn't get what you wanted! You're a fallen angel! You were never meant to even fall in love! You're not ruining everyone else's life cause you didn't get what you wanted!"

"Watch me!" He screamed. "There will be a battle very soon. I will win."

"Stop being so selfish!" I said exasperated. "We could forgive you! We could forget all of this!"

"That's what you don't understand Gabriel! This will never be fixed! You will never have the family you once had!" I didn't respond but stared at him with tears in my eyes. "Tell your boys to get ready for a war." And with that he was gone.

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