Chapter 6

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"Nah." I shook my head. "That only happens to the main characters in books and movies." I sat down. "You must be mistaken."

"Actually, I'm not mistaken." Dean rolled his eyes.

"You have to be." I said grabbing a packet of twizzlers out of one of the grocery bags. "There's nothing special about me."

"Well, there is a reason he wants you and we need to figure out what!" Dean said taking the twizzlers from me.

"I'll ask around. See if anyone else has heard something about this." Gabriel disappeared just as he finished his sentence.

"Crowley didn't say anything else? Just that he wanted her?" Sam asked. I walked over and grabbed another pack of twizzlers.

"No." Dean complained walking over and taking the twizzlers again. This happens multiple times throughout their conversation which I was no longer listening to.

"Will you two stop it!" Sam yelled finally. "Dean give her the candy!" Dean made a rolled his eyes but gave it to me and I stuck my tongue. "Now go watch some TV while the adults talk." This time Dean stuck his tongue out. "That includes you Dean."

"Wait, who are the adults?" Dean asked and I laughed.

"That would be me and Cas. If you two are gonna act like children then we will treat you like children. Now go." I just realized Cas was standing there. Dean and I went into the living room mumbling under our breathe. I think we're pretty mature.

I still don't understand what the big deal is. My brothers are the best hunters around. Even if I was in danger, they should be able to protect me.

Sam's POV

"How's Ella?" Cas asked looking into the living room.

"I don't know. I don't think she's being completely honest with us though." I answered, rubbing my hands over my face in frustration.

"What do you mean?" Cas furrowed his eyebrows.

"I think she's keeping some secrets." I explained.

"Well it's understandable. She literally just met you guys. Just give her some time." I looked at her as she watched TV. Maybe Cas is right. Maybe she just needs time to adjust. I walked into the living room and sat down with Ella and Dean. They didn't realize me come in since they were to distracted arguing over who got the remote.

"Dean! Your the oldest! Act like it!" I lectured, taking a seat in between them.

"Yeah! Act like it!" Ella snatched the remote from him. I laughed and Dean was grumbling to himself. "How long am I staying here?" Ella asked.

"Umm, uh, I don't know." I muttered nervously. "Why?"

"I don't wanna get in y'all's way or anything." I just realized the slight southern accent she had. "Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing. I just noticed your accent." She blushed and turned back to the TV, causing my smile to grow.

I heard my phone ringing in the kitchen and went to answer it. "Hello?"

"We need to talk about the whole Ella problem." Crowley.

"What is there to talk about?" I rolled my eyes, his entitled attitude annoyed me.

"You know that I want her! Just give her to me!" Crowley said getting frustrated.

"Why do you want her?" I asked.

"She has something I want!" He growled. "Either give her to me or I'll take her!" Then he hung up.

I sat into a chair and placed my head into my hands. What're we gonna do?

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